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Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 898 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 680-700 / Aktif Sayfa : 35
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Selected Stories Of Safahat
Shot down, on their spotlessly clean foreheads they lie, For the sake of Crescent what suns are setting, O God! Hey Soldier! Who has fallen on the ground for this land! It would be worth their while For our ancestors to descend from heaven.
58.5 TL. 65 TL.
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Rusça Seçme Hikayeler Mesnevi
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Rusça Seçme Hikayeler Nutuk
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Rusça Seçme Hikayeler Dede Korkut
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Rusça Seçme Hikayeler Yunus Emre
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Selected Stories Of Kelile And Dimme
Once upon a time there was an island surrounded by a forest in Basra. It looked like a paradise rather than an island. Green trees... Clear water... Various birds... Flowers... A variety of beautiful living creatures used to live in this forest.
58.5 TL. 65 TL.
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Selected Parts Of Speech (Nutuk)
I arrived in Samsun on 19th of May in 1919. A broad outlook on the circumstances is like this: In World War I, the party, in which Ottoman Empire also took part, were defeated, The army of the Ottomans was greatly weakened and a severe Armistice was made.
58.5 TL. 65 TL.
 %  10
Selected Parts Of Kutadgu Bilig
Atrocity is a burning fire, it burns whoever approaches to it. Law is water, if it flows it raises blessings. Do not take others' possessions and do not shed blood; a person moans due to these two sins in deathbed.
58.5 TL. 65 TL.
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Selected Poems Of The Divan Of Yunus Emre
Listen to me hey my fellows, A precious thing is love Feeling it is invaluable A respectful thing is love It gives both pleasure and grief It threw away Hamza to the Kaf Mustafa is full with love A great thing is love
58.5 TL. 65 TL.
 %  10
Selected Stories Of Seyahatname By Evliya Çelebi; Seyahatname
Once upon a time the king of İstanbul, Constantine used to worship fire. Greek historians explain his conversion to Christianity in that way: One day Constantine caught leprosy. The skin and the hair of the poor man fell out and every part of his body had in bruises. He sent messengers to all of the skillful doctors in his country in order to find a cure to his disease. Many eminent doctors came to his palace and examined the king. No matter how hard they tried they couldnt find a cure for his disease.
58.5 TL. 65 TL.
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Selected Stories Of Ömer Seyfettin
Sermet bey turned to the watchman behind him and said: - Look! Here is another empty mansion. A smart white building was shining in front of the pine grove, as if it was made of marble. Its borders were wrapped in weeds. There was a sign board that said For Rent hanging on the iron gate in the garden.
58.5 TL. 65 TL.
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Selected Stories Of Nasraddin Hodja
One day Nasreddin Hodja lost his ring. He couldnt find no matter how much he looked for it. At last he went to his home and started to look around in the home. His wife asked in curiosity: -What are you looking for Hodja? -I lost my ring, and I am looking for it. -Where did you lose your ring? -In the barn. -So why are you looking for it inside the home? -Well, it is because the barn is dark.
58.5 TL. 65 TL.
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Selected Stories Of Masnavi
A man whose hair started to grey went to a good barber and said: -Young man, I got married to a young woman, can you please pick the grey hairs so that I can seem younger? Then the barber did a radical hair cut and put the hair he had cut in front of the man. He said: -My dear fellow, I have something else to do now, can you please set apart the grey ones?
58.5 TL. 65 TL.
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Selected Stories Of Hacivat And Karagöz
Then he spoke out to Karagoz. HACIVAT: I wish I had a friend who could understand me and to whom I could tell my grief and to me he could tell his grief. (Karagoz stretches out his head from his window) KARAGOZ: Be quite Hacivat! There is a child sleeping in the house. You will wake up him. HACIVAT: Hey an amusement for mee! Hey an amusement for mee! KARAGOZ: (He jumps from the window and starts to beat Hacivat) Havent I just told you that there is a child sleeping in the house!
58.5 TL. 65 TL.
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Selected Stories Of Dede Korkut
One day Khan who is the son of Kam Gan had the tabernacle set up on one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Once a year he invited the lords of the Oguz tribe to the feast. That year he invited the Oguz lords to the feast again. He had horses, camels and sheep sacrificed. He had three different tents set up. One was black, one was white and one was ginger.
58.5 TL. 65 TL.
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Türkiye'nin Kürtleri
Türkiye Kürtleri ile ilgili literatür tarih alışmaları alanı ile bölgesel/küresel siyasetin güç ilişkileri arasında hapsolmuştur. Kürtler ezici bir çoğunlukla ve ülke içindeki boyutlarıyla Kürt Problemi olarak ve uluslararası bağlamda da Kürt Sorunu olarak akademik çalışmalara konu edilmektedir. Bugüne kadar özellikle Türkiye Kürtleri üzerine, yapılan çalışmalar söz konusu nüfusu kendi içinde bir entitenin toplumsal dinamiği olarak tanımaya/anlamaya girişmemektedirler. Türk akademik literatüründe Kürtlerl
351 TL. 390 TL.
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Metal Fırtına 2 - Kurtuluş
Metal Fırtına 2 Kurtuluş, ilk kitaptan bu yana merak edilen soruların cevaplarını heyecanlı ve sürükleyici yepyeni bir olay örgüsüyle sunuyor. Abdullah Gül ve ekibi, kimlerin elinde? ABDnin Türkiyeyi işgal girişimi üzerine diplomatik müzakerelerde bulunmak amacıyla Vaşington, DCa hareket eden Abdullah Gül ve ekibi enterne edilmişti. Ekibin başına neler geldi, Dışişleri Heyeti ile ilgili planlar neydi? Planların arkasında kim vardı ve bağlantıları nerelere kadar uzanıyordu? Vaşington, DCda patlayan bomba ne
64.8 TL. 72 TL.
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Metal Fırtına 3 - Karşı Saldırı
OPERASYON KALDIĞI YERDEN DEVAM EDİYOR...Gelecek öngörülebilir mi? Metal Fırtına 3 Karşı Saldırı´yı okuyun ve buna siz karar verin.Yazdığı Metal Fırtına kitabıyla olası bir Amerika -Türkiye savaşını öngörüp Beyaz Saray´ı bile ürküten ve dünyayı sallayan, Üçüncü Dünya Savaşı´yla Avrupa´daki göçmenlerin eylemlerini tahmin eden Burak Turna bu sefer de okuyucuyu dünyanın en sıcak çatışma bölgelerine götürerek, heyecanlı bir aksiyon kurgusunun içine sokuyor. Kötülük baronu, bütün operasyonlarda kendisini engelled
49.5 TL. 55 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 898 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 680-700 / Aktif Sayfa : 35