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Toplam 763 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 720-740 / Aktif Sayfa : 37
We drifted famishing, and, after our water had come to an end, tormented by an intolerable thirst, for eight days altogether. After the second day the sea subsided slowly to a glassy calm. It is quite impossible for the ordinary reader to imagine those eight days. He has not, luckily for himself, anything in his memory to imagine with. After the first day we said little to one another, and lay in our places in the boat and stared at the horizon, or watched, with eyes that grew larger and more haggard every
48 TL.
In the midst of its space and splendor the little King Amor lived alone but for the companionship of the Ancient One and a servant as old as himself. But they knew a secret which had kept them young in spite of the years they had passed through. They knew that they were the brothers of all things in the world, and that the man who never knows an angered or evil thought can never know a foe. They were strong and straight and wise, and the wildest creature stopped to give them greeting as it passed, and they
28 TL.
Of ya! Biz çocuklar ne kadar da şanssızız. Herkes bizi sürekli azarlıyor, öğüt veriyor ve uyarıyor. İzin versek herkes, hatta cırcır böcekleri bile, anne babamız olmaya kalkışır. Örneğin; ben. Şu can sıkan cırcır böceğini dinlemedim diye kim bilir daha başıma neler gelecek! Haydutlar mı? Yok daha neler, hiç öyle birileri olduğuna inanmıyorum, inanmayacağım da! Bence bu anne babaların çocuklar gece evden kaçmasın diye uydurdukları bir şey. Hem ayrıca haydutlarla karşılaşsam ne olur ki? Giderim yanlarına, ''N
30 TL.
I should, in the next place, have proposed to consider the utility of philosophy, and at the same time have shown that, since it embraces all that the human mind can know, we ought to believe that it is by it we are distinguished from savages and barbarians, and that the civilisation and culture of a nation is regulated by the degree in which true philosophy nourishes in it, and, accordingly, that to contain true philosophers is the highest privilege a state can enjoy. Besides this, I should have shown that
45 TL.
Yeni esirlerden ikisi, henüz on altı veya on yedişer yaşında idi. Kafkasya'nın bu iki parlak yüzünün yanında üçüncü olarak tutulan kız ise yaklaşık olarak sekiz dokuz yaşlarında idi. Küçük esirin saçlarıyla kaşlarının arası biraz yakınca, ağzı gayet küçük, beli yuvarlak omuzlarına oranla incecik, hele o siyah gözlerde zekâ pırıltıları görülüyordu. Bir üstadın kaleminden çıkmış vücut çizgileri var da sanki rengi verilmemiş gibi duruyordu. Küçücük dudakları renksiz, saçları bakımsızlıktan seyrek, yolculuğun z
34 TL.
When did t that dreadful Mask first look at me? Who put it on, and why was I so frightened that the sight of it is an era in my life? It is not a hideous visage in itself; it is even meant to be droll, why then were its stolid features so intolerable? Surely not because it hid the wearer's face. An apron would have done as much; and though I should have preferred even the apron away, it would not have been absolutely insupportable, like the mask. ThWas it the immovability of the mask? The doll's face was im
32 TL.
If you vas in der old co country ships, a liddle shaver like you vood pe only der boy, und you vood wait on der able seamen. Und ven der able seaman sing out, 'Boy, der water-jug!' you vood jump quick, like a shot, und bring der water-jug. Und ven der able seaman sing out, 'Boy, my boots!' you vood get der boots. Und you vood pe politeful, und say 'Yessir' und 'No sir.' But you pe in der American ship, and you t'ink you are so good as der able seamen. Chris, mine boy, I haf ben a sailorman for twenty-two ye
30 TL.
I do not know a treatise in which a survey of the Universe using the word in its most comprehensive and only legitimate acceptation is taken at all: and it may be as well here to mention that by the term Universe, wherever employed without qualification in this essay, I mean to designate the utmost conceivable expanse of space, with all things, spiritual and material, that can be imagined to exist within the compass of that expanse. In speaking of what is ordinarily implied by the expression, Universe, I sh
42 TL.
Marley war tot, damit wollen wir anfangen. Ein Zweifel darüber kann nicht stattfinden. Der Schein über seine Bestattung wurde von dem Geistlichen, dem Küster, dem Leichenbesorger und den vornehmsten Leidtragenden unterschrieben. Scrooge unterschrieb ihn und Scrooges Name wurde auf der Börse respektiert, wo er ihn nur hinschrieb. ThDer alte Marley war so tot wie ein Thürnagel. Merkt wohl auf! Ich will nicht etwa sagen, daß ein ThThürnagel etwas besonders Totes für mich hätte. Ich selbst möchte fast zu der Me
42 TL.
Augusta, the sister of Edward was on a visit to her when we arrived. I found her exactly what her Brother had described her to beof the middle size. She received me with equal surprise Ththough not with equal Cordiality, as Philippa. There was a disagreable coldness and Forbidding Reserve in her reception of me which was equally distressing and Unexpected. None of that interesting Sensibility or amiable simpathy in her manners and Address to me when we first met which should have distinguished our introduct
45 TL.
That flavour of salt-water which for so many of us had been the very water of life permeated our talk. He who hath known the bitterness of the Ocean shall have its taste forever in his mouth. But one or two of us, pampered by the life of the land, complained of hunger. It was impossible to swallow any of that stuff. And indeed there was a strange mustiness in everything. The wooden dining-room stuck out over the mud of the shore like a lacustrine dwelling; the planks of the floor seemed rotten; a decrepit o
38 TL.
Socrates: In less than no time you shall hear; for I cannot say that I did not attend--I paid great attention to them, and I remember and will endeavour to repeat the whole story. Providentially I was sitting alone in the dressing-room of the Lyceum where you saw me, and was about to depart; when I was getting up I recognized the familiar divine sign: so I sat down again, and in a little while the two brothers Euthydemus and Dionysodorus came in, and several others with them, whom I believe to be their disc
27 TL.
He reports the American joke correctly. In Boston they ask, How much does he know? in New York, How much is he worth? in Philadelphia, Who were his parents? And when an alien observer turns his telescope upon us--advertisedly in our own special interest--a natural apprehension moves us to ask, What is the diameter of his reflector? I take a great interest in M. Bourget's chapters, for I know by the newspapers that there are several Americans who are expecting to get a whole education out of them; several w
26 TL.
Socrates: He brings a wonderful accusation against me, which at first hearing excites surprise: he says that I am a poet or maker of gods, and that I invent new gods and deny the existence of old ones; this is the ground of his indictment. EUTHYPHRO: I understand, Socrates; he means to attack you about the familiar sign which occasionally, as you say, comes to you. He thinks that you are a neologian, and he is going to have you up before the court for this. He knows that such a charge is readily received b
27 TL.
Stars are good, too. I wish I could get some to put in my hair. But I suppose I never can. You would be surprised to find how far off they are, for they do not look it. When they first showed, last night, I tried to knock some down with a pole, but it didn't reach, which astonished me; then I tried clods till I was all tired out, but I never got one. It was because I am left-handed and cannot throw good. Even when I aimed at the one I wasn't after I couldn't hit the other one, though I did make some close s
26 TL.
There was a bay upon that island, a very fair bay to look upon; but, by the native saying, it was death to bathe there. There is nothing in that, said the missionary; and he came to the bay, and went swimming. Presently an eddy took him and bore him towards the reef. Oho! thought the missionary, it seems there is something in it after all. And he swam the harder, but the eddy carried him away. I do not care about this eddy, said the missionary; and even as he said it, he was aware of a house raised on piles
28 TL.
He rose with a sudden rebelliousness, put on his hat and coat, and went out of the house, pursuing his way along the glistening pavement while eight o'clock was striking from St. Mary's tower, and the apprentices and shopmen were slamming up the shutters from end to end of the town. In two minutes only those shops which could boast of no attendant save the master or the mistress remained with open eyes. These were ever somewhat less prompt to exclude customers than the others: for their owners' ears the clo
34 TL.
Gaspar Ruiz, however, was not a deserter; his mind was hardly active enough to take a discriminating view of the advantages or perils of treachery. Why should he change sides? He had really been made a prisoner, had suffered ill-usage and many privations. Neither side showed tenderness to its adversaries. There came a day when he was ordered, together with some other captured rebels, to march in the front rank of the Royal troops. A musket, had been thrust into his hands. He had taken it. He had marched. He
34 TL.
İsmet - Sus dadı! Her zaman önüme çıkıp durma! İçimdeki zehirleri bir türlü zapt edemiyorum. Dökeceğim. Hepsini dışarı dökeceğim. (Paşo Hanım 'a) Oğlun kapısında ne kadar kudurmuş köpek varsa gönderir. Amcasının kızı olduğumu düşünmez, konağı bastırır. Namusumu lekeler. Sonra beni nikâhlamaya kalkar. Oğlun bir günahsızı haydut gibi askerlerine tutturur. Yanımdan kaldırtır. Zindanlara atar, zincirlere vurur, sonra bana mektup yazar... Bir şartım var; eğer kabul edersen onun canını kurtarırsın der. Dünyada ya
34 TL.
Aşk bir sanattır... kadınları memnun etme sanatı... Bir erkek özlediği zevkleri karısına da istetecek denli bir aşk ustası haline gelmedikçe, karısına dokunmamalıdır bile. - Honore de Balzac Doğuluların sevişme ve seks konularına olan yaklaşımlarının temelinde işte böyle bir anlayış yatmaktadır. Aslında İslam dini sekse izin verir; poligami ise (kimi belli sınırlar içinde) insan yaradılışına verilen bir çeşit ödündür. Onlara göre cinsel öğretiler, her şeyden çok, başarılı evlilik ve aile yaşamına götüren,
32 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 763 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 720-740 / Aktif Sayfa : 37