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Toplam 7 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1
Uzun yıllarını Afrika’da avcılık yaparak hayatını geçirmiş ama bir türlü istediği serveti edinememiş Quatermain’in yolu Sör Henry ve dostu Yüzbaşı Good ile bir gemide kesişir. Sör Henry, Hz. Süleyman’ın Hazineleri’ni aramak için iki yıl önce evi terk eden ve bir daha haber alınamayan kardeşini bulmak için o bölgeyi bilen cesur adama ihtiyaç duyduğunu ve hazineyi bulurlarsa her şeyi Quatermain ve Good’a vereceğini söyler. Paraya ihtiyacı olan Quatermain bu teklifi kabul eder. Üç beyaz adam daha önce hiç kims
42 TL.
Uzun yıllarını Afrika'da avcılık yaparak hayatını geçirmiş ama bir türlü istediği serveti edinememiş Quatermain'in yolu Sör Henry ve dostu Yüzbaşı Good ile bir gemide kesişir. Sör Henry, Hz. Süleyman'ın Hazineleri'ni aramak için iki yıl önce evi terk eden ve bir daha haber alınamayan kardeşini bulmak için o bölgeyi bilen cesur adama ihtiyaç duyduğunu ve hazineyi bulurlarsa her şeyi Quatermain ve Good'a vereceğini söyler. Paraya ihtiyacı olan Quatermain bu teklifi kabul eder. Üç beyaz adam daha önce hiç kims
9 TL.
On the farther side of the fire, attending to the grilling of strips of flesh set upon pointed sticks, stood Aaka, Wi's wife, clothed in a kirtle of sealskins fastened beneath her breast, for here, the place being warm, she wore no cloak. She was a finely built woman of about thirty years of age, with masses of black hair that hung to her middle, clean and well-kept hair arranged in four tresses, each of which was tied at the end with fibres of grass or sinew. Her skin was whiter than that of most of her ra
66 TL.
It was not the ghastly appearance of his mangled and blood-soaked countenance that made Philip recoil so sharply from the sight of his own handiwork--he had fought too often at school to be chicken-hearted about a little bloodshed; and, besides, he knew that his cousin was only knocked about, not really injured--but rather the intense and almost devilish malignity of the expression that hovered on the blurred features and in the half-closed eyes. But no attempt was made by George to translate the look into
110 TL.
On the occasion of his first and last interview with Cetywayo, Hadden got a hint of the reason. It happened thus. On the second morning after his arrival at the royal kraal, a messenger came to inform him that the Elephant whose tread shook the earth had signified that it was his pleasure to see him. Accordingly he was led through the thousands of huts and across the Great Place to the little enclosure where Cetywayo, a royal-looking Zulu seated on a stool, and wearing a kaross of leopard skins, was holdin
42 TL.
That to the right led to the sitting-room, that to the left to the dining-room, both of them long, low and narrow chambers. Following the passage down for some seven paces, it terminated in another which ran at right angles to it for the entire length of the house. On the further side of this passage were several bedroom doors and a room at each end. That at the end to the right was occupied by Beatrice and her sister, the next was empty, the third was Mr. Granger's, and the fourth the spare room. This, wit
65 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 7 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1