Some late bird of a reporter stole one of my placards, then hunted the town over and found the other one, and stole that. In this manner he accomplished what the profession call a scoop--that is, he got a valuable item, and saw to it that no other paper got it. And so his paper--the principal one in the town--had it in glaring type on the editorial page in the morning, followed by a Vesuvian opinion of our wretch a column long, which wound up by adding a thousand dollars to our reward on the paper's account! The journals out here know how to do the noble thing-- when there's business in it.

Format :Kitap
Barkod :9786257058513
Yayın Tarihi :2020-03-31
Yayın Dili :İngilizce
Baskı Sayısı :1.Baskı
Sayfa Sayısı :74
Kapak :Karton
Kağıt :2.Hamur
Boyut :135 X 210
Emeği Geçenler :
Yazar   : Mark Twain
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