Sweetness and light among shame and confusion. The greatest of all novels is Leo Tolstoy's final novel, Resurrection. Its effect upon a reader is immense and immediate. Even after eight readings of various translations, I continue to feel its spell and admire its complexity.

It is the story of a man tormented by the injustices of the world about him, who is at the same time tortured by his own self-indulgence. A reader likes but fears him, since it is possible we may find our own weaknesses depicted in these pages.


Format :Kitap
Barkod :9786057889355
Yayın Tarihi :2019-02-27
Yayın Dili :İngilizce
Orjinal Adı :The Resurrection
Baskı Sayısı :1.Baskı
Sayfa Sayısı :420
Kapak :Karton
Kağıt :2.Hamur
Boyut :135 X 195
Emeği Geçenler :
Yazar   : Lev Nikolayeviç Tolstoy
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