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Toplam 97 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 80-100 / Aktif Sayfa : 5
In placing this book before the public the author wishes it understood that it is not his intention to produce a scientific work on engineering. Such a book would be valuable only to engineers of large stationary engines. In a nice engine room nice theories and scientific calculations are practical. This book is intended for engineers of farm and traction engines, rough and tumble engineers, who have everything in their favor today, and tomorrow are in mud holes, who with the same engine do eight horse work
52 TL.
The advance of meteorology as a school study has been much hampered by the lack of a published outline of workmuch work in this subject which may be undertaken during the schoolin school years. There are several excellent text-books for moreyears. More advanced study, but there is no laboratory manual for use inadvanced in the elementary portions of the science. In many secondarythe secondary schools some instruction in meteorology is given, and theschools the keeping of meteorological records by the schola
96 TL.
Minerals and rocks, or the inorganic portions of theearth, constitute the proper field or subject-matter of thescience of Geology. Now the inorganic earth, like an animalor plant, may be and is studied in three quite distinct ways,giving rise to three great divisions of geology, which, aswill be seen, correspond closely to the main divisions of Biology.First, we may study the forces now operating upon andin the earth—the geological agencies—such as the oceanand atmosphere, rivers, rain and frosts, earthquak
68 TL.
The plea for constructive policies contained in the report of the Secretary of the Interior to the President deserves a hearing also by the engineers and business men who are developing the power Thresources of the country. The largest conservation for the future can come only through the wisest engineering of the present. The conditions under which the utilization of natural resour­ces is demanded are outlined by Secretary Lane, and it will be noted that the program recommended calls for the coo­peration o
42 TL.
The substance of the following pages was written se­veral months since, and subsequently sent to the Ins­titution of Civil Engineers, where it was read in abst­ract on the 16th of February in the present session. While our Engineering Literature contains several valu­Thable Treatises on the Theory and Construction of the Loco­motive Engine, it has, as yet, produced no work illustrating Thits Use. This circumstance, added to the recommendation of several competent authorities, has induced the writer to app­l
34 TL.
Bu çalışmanın esas amacı; şirketler tarafından sıkça maruz kalınan yönetici veya çalışan hilelerine ışık tutarak anlaşılmasını sağlamak ve nasıl ortaya çıkarılabileceği ile nasıl önlenebileceği hakkında yol göstermektedir. Hile konusunun kapsamı çok geniş olduğundan burada sadece işletmelerin birçok kademesini doğrudan etkileyen stok hileleri incelenmiştir.
66 TL.
Meyve ve sebze piyasasında yapılan bu çalışma, yazarın üç sene boyunca İstanbul Toptancı Hali'nde alıcı-satıcı olarak bulunup piyasa araştırması sonucu meydana gelmiştir. Bu çalışma sonucunda elde edilen bilgiler ve gözlemler bilimsel veri ve metotlar ile birleştirilip bilimsel tez haline getirilmiştir. Yapılan bu tez çalışmasına eklemeler ilave edilmiş olup güncel hale getirilerek kitaplaştırılmıştır. Bu kitapta Türkiye'de meyve-sebze piyasasında rol olan toptancı halleri, ulusal ve uluslararası zincir mar
66 TL.
Bilgisiz bir şey yapamıyoruz. Toplumsal sistemimizi hangi bilgiye göre oluşturacağız? Şimdiye dek insanlara toplumların lider-kral gibi tepeye yerleştirilen özel kişilerce yönetilmesi gerektiği bilgisi verildi, insanlık da 4 bin yıldır bu sistem altında yaşıyor. Bu sistemde insanlara toplumun sahibinin insanlar olduğu temel bilgisi verilmediğinden, insanlar asla toplumu kendilerine ait olarak görmemişler, topluma zarar verecek davranışlarda bulunmuşlardır. Toplumun sahipliğinin kendilerine ait olduğu bilgis
75 TL.
President Roosevelt in his address to the Governors at the White House, prophetically remarked that The conservation of our national resources is only preliminary to the larger question of national efficiency. The whole country at once recognized the importance of conserving our material resources and a large movement has been started which will be effective in accomplishing this object. As yet, however, we have but vaguely appreciated the importance of the larger question of increasing our national effici
44 TL.
The volume called Higher Mathematics, the first edition of which was published in 1896, contained eleven chapters by eleven authors, each chapter being independent of the others, but all supposing the reader to have at least a mathematical training equivalent to that given in classical and engineering colleges. The publication of that volume is now discontinued and the chapters are issued in separate form. In these reissues it will generally be found that the monographs are enlarged by additional articles o
44 TL.
The first night on shore after so long a voyage could scarcely seem otherwise than strange, one missed the eternal rocking at which so many grumble on board ship. Dogs (Melbourne is full of them) kept up an incessant barking; revolvers were cracking in all directions until daybreak, giving one a pleasant idea of the state of society; and last, not least, of these annoyances was one unmentionable to ears polite, which would alone have sufficed to drive sleep away from poor wearied me. How I envied my compani
52 TL.
The perfectly natural performance of function constitutes health; and the perfectly natural performance of function results from the natural action of the Principle of Life. There is a Principle of Life in the universe; it is the One Living Substance from which all things are made. This Living Substance permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe; it is in and through all things, like a ver y refined and diffusible ether. All life comes from it; its life is all the life there is. Man i
48 TL.
Conditions on the farm are gradually changing for the better. The agricultural colleges, the experiment stations, the lecture courses which are given all over the country, and the general diffusion of agricultural and horticultural knowledge, are introducing among farming communities a more intelligent and more liberal treatment of land. But these changes are so slow, and there is so much to be done before even a small percentage of our six millions of farmers begin to realize their opportunities, that even
66 TL.
Geometry is the Science of figured Space. Figured Space is of one, two, or three dimensions, according as it consists of lines, surfaces, or solids. The boundaries of solids are surfaces; of surfaces, lines; and of lines, points. Thus it is the province of Geometry to investigate the properties of solids, of surfaces, and of the figures described on surfaces. The simplest of all surfaces is the plane, and that department of Geometry which is occupied with the lines and curves drawn on a plane is called Plan
80 TL.
This same nightingale was keeping a little surprise in store for me. Although he took no notice of me sitting at the open window, whenever I went thirty or forty yards from the gate along the narrow lane that faced it, my presence troubled him and his mate only too much. They would flit round my head, emitting the two strongly contrasted sounds with which they express solicitude--the clear, thin, plaintive, or wailing note, and the low, jarring sound--an alternate lamenting and girding. One day when I appro
58 TL.
A commentator on Aristotle, writing in the 4th centur y A.D., calls certain instruments used for fusion and calcination chuika organa, that is, instruments for melting and pouring. Hence, probably, came the adjective chyic or chymic, and, at a somewhat later time, the word chemia as the name of that art which deals with calcinations, fusions, meltings, and the like. The writer of a treatise on astrology, in the 5th centur y, speaking of the influences of the stars on the dispositions of man, says: If a man
58 TL.
The most fundamental one of the activities for the maintenance of the race is reproduction. Ever y living organism, whether plant or animal, possesses the power to reproduce its kind. Some plants produce spores and some produce seeds. Reference was made above to the production of the flower in plants. The flower represents the reproductive organ of the plant, and the real object of the flower is to produce the seed. Animals produce eggs from which the young develop, either through a process of incubation ou
48 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 97 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 80-100 / Aktif Sayfa : 5