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Toplam 28 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1
Nûra Qelban Örneği Kürtçe Kur’ân tefsir ve meâlleri hakkında hazırladığımız bu çalışmada günümüze kadar yazılan bütün Kürtçe tefsir ve meâller tespit edilerek, hakkında bilgi edinilenler tanıtılmış, ardından tespit edilen bu çalışmalar ile ilgili şimdiye kadar yapılan akademik ve ilmi çalışmalar ortaya konulmuştur. Daha sonra Kürtçe tefsir ve meâllerden seçtiğimiz Tefsira Qur’ane Nûra Qelban isimli örnek eser detaylı inceleme konusu yapılmıştır. Şimdiye kadar Türkiye’de tamamlanan Kürtçe tefsir ve meâl çalı
220 TL.
 %  15
Identification of RBBP8 mutation in Pakistani families affected with Jawad Syndrome
Among the group of craniodigital syndromes, patients with Ja- wad syndrome have a striking congenital microcephaly, mod- erate to severe intellectual disability, white spots on the skin of the hands and feet, anonychia congenita, polydactyly of fm- gers and toes and syndactyly of the second and third toe (syn- polydactyly) of variable degree. Here, I report two further fam- ilies of Jawad syndrome form Pakistan. I present the detailed clinical analysis along with the identification of a mutation (c.l808-180
85 TL. 100 TL.
Das Türkische und das Deutsche gehören sowohl aus genetischer als auch typologischer Sicht underschiedlichen Sprachfamilien an. Als selbtverständliche Resultat dieser Zugehörigkeit haben wir hier mit zwei verschiedenen Sprachen zu tun, die bezüglich ihre grammatische Struktur gravierende Undterschiede aufweisen. Diese Kontraste wirken sich oft negativ auf den Spracherwerbprozessi wenn die Lehrenden und die Lernenden dazu nicht sensibilisiert werden. Ich beabsichtige mit meiner Arbeit anhand ausgewählter
120 TL.
It may be safely said that any place where farming, gardening, or fruit raising can be successfully followed is adapted to the profitable keeping of bees—in a limited way at least, if not extensively. Many of these localities will support extensive apiaries. In addition to this there are, within the borders of the United States, thousands of good locations for the apiarist—forest, prairie, swamp, and mountain regions—where agriculture has as yet not gained a foothold, either because of remoteness from marke
44 TL.
The principal domestic animals reared for economical purposes in the United States, are Horned or neat cattle, the Horse, the Mule, Sheep, and Swine. A few Asses are bred, but for no other object than to keep up the supply of jacks for propagating mules. We have also goats, rabbits, and the house domestics, the dog and cat; the two former, only in ver y limited numbers, but both the latter much beyond our legitimate wants. There have been a few specimens of the Alpaca imported, and an arrangement is now in
44 TL.
This book is not a technical treatise and is designed only to point out the plain, everyday facts in the natural scheme of making and keeping soils productive. It is concerned with the crops, methods, and fertilizers that favor the soil. The viewpoint, all the time, is that of the practical man who wants cash compensation for the intelligent care he gives to his land. The farming that leads into debt, and not in the opposite direction, is poor farming, no matter how well the soil may prosper under such trea
54 TL.
Climbing plants may be divided into four classes. First, those which twine spirally round a support, and are not aided by any other movement. Secondly, those endowed with irritable organs, which when they touch any object clasp it; such organs consisting of modified leaves, branches, or flower-peduncles. But these two classes sometimes graduate to a certain extent into one another. Plants of the third class ascend merely by the aid of hooks; and those of the fourth by rootlets; but as in neither class do t
54 TL.
Sweet clover is an important forage crop in many regions. Although one of the oldest of known plants, not until ver y recently has it been considered seriously as a forage plant in this country. The principal causes for not utilizing this crop were its aggressiveness on uncultivated land in many localities, the tendency of the stems to become woody as they mature, and the refusal of stock to eat sweet clover before they had become accustomed to the bitter taste. Another reason was the fact that until recent
44 TL.
The apple-tree is the common people's tree, moreover, because it is the child of ever y latitude and ever y longitude on this continent. It will grow in Canada and Maine. It will thrive in Florida and Mexico. It does well on the Atlantic slope; and on the Pacific the apple is portentous. Newton sat in an orchard, and an apple, plumping down on his head, started a train of thought which opened the heavens to us. Had it been in California, the size of the apples there would have saved him the trouble of much
98 TL.
 %  15
Alakent Churh; A Byzantine Monument At Myra 12th - 13th Centurıes
The presence of this small Byzantine church in the Alakent neighborhood of Demre has been known to archaeologists and art historians for quite some time. Revealing the structure from under the five meter deep alluvial fill in which it was buried was only possible as a result of the excavation work carried out in 2010 as part of the Myra-Andriake Excavations. The alluvial fill kept most of the aspects of the building such as mural paintings, roof tiles, facade decorations and spolia intact. The book was edi
1062.5 TL. 1250 TL.
 %  10
Acemi Yazarın Not Defteri
Acemi Yazarın Not Defteri Bir yazar olmak istiyorsanız, yazın! Epiktetos Aklınıza bir kelime mi geldi? Yazın. Aklınıza bir cümle mi geldi? Yazın. Aklınıza bir imge mi geldi? Yazın. Acemi Yazarın Not Defteri, size nasıl yazacağınız konusunda önemli ipuçları veriyor. Günlük alıştırma ve etkinliklerle size bir taraftan yazma alışkanlığı kazandırırken, diğer taraftan nasıl yazmanız gerektiğini gösteriyor. Acemi Yazarın Not Defteri, ünlü yazarlardan yapılan alıntılarıyla, alıştırma ve etkinlikleriyle eğlence
225 TL. 250 TL.
 %  5
Diseño de Espacios Educativos
La mayoría de las escuelas están diseñadas con vistas a un modelo educativo centrado en el profesor. La desconexión entre la innovación centrada en el alumno que muchos educadores quieren implantar y lo que el ambiente educativo les permite hacer constituye así un verdadero problema. Este libro muestra que un centro educativo bien diseñado se convierte en un catalizador para el cambio pedagógico, y proporciona estrategias para transformar la educación mejorando la distribución y el uso de espacios. A lo
475 TL. 500 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 28 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1