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Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 745 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 660-680 / Aktif Sayfa : 34
 %  10
The Football Match; Nuance Readers Level-1
Theres an exciting email for Ben from his friend Nico in Italy. Nico has two tickets for the ItalyEngland football match! On the plane from London to Rome, Ben makes a new friend, who is also going to the match. On the big day, Rome is full of excited soccer fans. But the boys get a nasty surprise their tickets are missing!
130.5 TL. 145 TL.
Türkiye Temsilcisi olduğumuz Pro-Lingua Associates USA yayınıdır. Teachers Handbook and Answer Key Business Communication Strategies kitabının öğretmen el kitabı ve cevap anahtarıdır. Kitapta kullanılan tüm okuma metinlerini içerir. Kitabın ayrıca 2 CDsi vardır.
65 TL.
Tam 13 kategoride, 14×17 ebadında Flashcard seti. Giysiler (40 kart).
150 TL.
Tam 13 kategoride, 14×17 ebadında Flashcard seti. Meslekler 1 (40 kart).
150 TL.
Her kelimesi resimli ilköğretim sözlüğü. Tam 4000 kelime, 4000 resim. Her kelimenin resmi ve Türkçe anlamı. Her kelime için örnek cümle. Tüm ilköğretim müfredatını kapsar.
150 TL.
ingilizce zamanlar 210x300 İngilizcede Zamanlar KOLAY ZAMAN ÖĞRETMENİ! İngilizcedeki tüm zamanlar en ince ayrıntıları ile bu kitapta anlatılmıştır. Birbirleri ile benzerlik gösteren zamanlar bu kitapta verilmiştir. Bu, öğrenirlerin zamanları anlamasını ve kafalarında bir zaman haritası oluşturmalarını kolaylaştırmaktadır. Ayrıca Passive Voice, Indirect Speech ve Conditionals geniş bir şekilde Türkçe açıklamaları ile verilmiştir. Murat Kurtun anlatımıyla 2 Saatte İngilizcede Tüm Zamanlar eğitim DVDsi hed
450 TL.
 %  10
A Bridge To English Intermediate; (cd İlaveli)
Intermediate seviyesinde hazırlanan kitapta İngilizce´nin konuşulduğu her ülkede kabul gören akıcı, güncel, standart ve pratik İngilizce kullanılmıştır. Bu seviyenin tamamlanmasıyla öğrenciler, İngilizceye hakim olarak tüm konuşmaları rahatlıkla yürütebilecek yetkinliğe ulaşmış olacaktır. Kitabın her iki yazarı da ana dilleri İngilizce olan, 30 yılı aşkın İngilizce öğretmenliği birikimine sahip profesyonel eğitmenlerdir. Greg, Suudi Arabistan ve Japonya´da, Charles ise İsveç, Tunus, Mısır ve Yunanistan´da
112.5 TL. 125 TL.
 %  10
Ten Short Stories
The ten stories in this book may depict human nature at its darkest, but they are also brilliantly funny and completely unforgettable. The Umbrella Man, Dip in the Pool, The Butler, The Hitchhiker, Mr Botibol, My Lady Love, My Dove, The Way up to Heaven, Parsons Pleasure, The Sound Machine, The Wish
112.5 TL. 125 TL.
 %  10
Road to Nowhere; Nuance Readers Level4
Walking near the beach near his familys farm one night, Nick Bennett sees a boat bringing something unusual to shore people. He suspects that they are illegal immigrants. When he goes to investigate whats happening on a nearby farm, he realises he was right. Soon Nick finds himself involved with a brother and sister and their desperate attempt to escape from a ruthless people-smuggler.
157.5 TL. 175 TL.
 %  10
Picture Prompts Prepositions and Directions
A series of photocopiable teacher resource books, providing stimulating picture prompts for essential language work Provides teachers with a set of stimulating visuals, in the form of cartoon picture boards Visuals include items of basic vocabulary, items for language extension work and can be used for both presentation and practice Extremely versatile material can be used with small or large groups, Beginners to Advanced students and from the age of 9/10 to adult Clear and detailed Teacher's Notes
225 TL. 250 TL.
 %  10
Lost in the Rain; Nuance Readers
When a cute little dog turns up at Sallys front door, the first thing she wants to do is keep it. After all, the dog doesnt have a name tag, so how can Sally find its home? But one day in the park she talks with someone who tells her about the dogs owner. This gets her thinking: The owner loves that little dogI have to find him. So Sally and the little dog go looking for clues
130.5 TL. 145 TL.
 %  10
Building Blocks for English
The 39 activities in Building Blocks for English provide teachers with a systematic approach to the development of study skills and language development in 9 - 11 year olds. Flexibility activities can be used with the whole class, in pairs/groups, for individual study, for homework tasks and can be used progressively or dipped into, to deal with specific needs Clear Teachers Notes, giving activity type, rationale, materials needed, instructions on running the activity, plus follow-up and extension activ
225 TL. 250 TL.
 %  10
Blue Moon Beach
Sam Martin loves watching the beautiful sea eagles flying over Blue Moon Beach. But when two suspicious-looking men arrive, Sam begins to get worried. What do these men want? Soon Sam and his new friend Tim realise that the sea eagles are in danger, and they decide that they have to stop the men and save the birds.
139.5 TL. 155 TL.
 %  10
Between the Flags; Nuance Readers Level-2
Scott Gordon lives near the beach and belongs to the surf club. Soon hes going to try for the Bronze Medallion the first step to becoming a real lifesaver. But his grandmother doesnt like the idea. When she tells Scott the story of a day that changed her life, he begins to understand how dangerous the sea can be.
139.5 TL. 155 TL.
 %  10
Adventure in the Alps; + CD  Nuance Readers Level-1
Lisa is scared of skiing! Little by little, she gets better at it, but at the end of the day she is still too afraid to ski down the mountain with her ski class. She is about to get onto the ski lift when she sees that someone from the class is in danger. Lisa is the only one who can help. What will she do?
130.5 TL. 145 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 745 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 660-680 / Aktif Sayfa : 34