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Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 1000 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 160-180 / Aktif Sayfa : 9
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. Listen along with downloadable MP3 audio. In a gloomy, neglected house Miss Havisham sits, as she has sat year after year, in a wedding dress and veil that were once white, and are now faded and yellow with age. Her face is like a death's head; her dark eyes burn with bitterness and hate. By her side sits a proud and beautiful girl, and in fro
384 TL.
Activity Book provides carefully scaffolded writing activities and even more reading texts so that students can put the language they learn into practice. Ten pages of activities per core unit are followed by ten pages of Cambridge English external exam preparation material. Includes extra grammar practice for each unit with eight grammar reference pages.
1415 TL.
Activity Book provides carefully scaffolded writing activities and even more reading texts so that students can put the language they learn into practice. Ten pages of activities per core unit are followed by ten pages of Cambridge English external exam preparation material. Includes extra grammar practice for each unit with eight grammar reference pages.
792 TL.
Öğrenci Kitabı ve Çevrimiçi Uygulama, tüm yeteneklere sahip öğrencileri tamamen meşgul ve motive etmek için yan yana kullanılabilir. Çözümler Öğrenci Kitabı ilginç içeriklerle dolu. Her ünite, kelime bilgisi, dilbilgisi, okuma, konuşma ve yazma dahil olmak üzere belirli bir beceriye odaklanan sekiz dersten oluşur. Çözümlerin Çevrimiçi Uygulama bileşeni bir dizi dijital kaynak sunar; konuları hayata geçirmek için videolar, vlog'lar ve etkileşimli öğeler. Öğrenciler, ilerlemelerini izlemek için anında geri bi
940 TL.
İngilizce yeterliliğine yönlendirin. Bu iletişimsel entegre beceriler kursu, Eğitim Bakanlığı İngilizce Müfredatının 9-12. Sınıfları için öğretme ve öğrenme ilkelerini takip eder. - Her derste üretken görevler ve her ünitede Konuşma dersi ile iletişim odaklı odaklanma. - Çalışma Kitabında ekstra alıştırma ile her ünitede dinleme dersi. - Kelime Becerileri dersleri, kelime dağarcığı oluşturma tekniklerini uygular ve sözlük becerilerini geliştirir. - Çalışma stratejileri, öğrencilerin okulda ve ötesinde başar
469 TL.
S: Beceriler Başarı için Üçüncü Sürüm, öğrencilerin akademik başarıya ulaşmalarına yardımcı olmak için soru merkezli yaklaşımını temel alır. Öğretmenlerin% 90'ı, S: Başarı Becerilerinin, öğrencilerinin akademik çalışma için ihtiyaç duydukları becerileri geliştirmede önemli bir rol oynadığına inanıyor. * S: Başarı Becerileri, öğrencilerin İngilizce akademik başarıya ulaşmalarına yardımcı olmasıyla ünlüdür. Üçüncü Sürüm, öğrencilerin yeni Eleştirel Düşünme Stratejileri, güncellenmiş metinler ve konular ve% 10
1040 TL.
Oxford Practice Grammar serisindeki ikinci seviye. Dilbilgisi yapıları, özgüveninizi oluşturmak için genişletilmiş alıştırma etkinlikleriyle ayrıntılı olarak açıklanır.
1195 TL.
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. Listen along with downloadable MP3 audio. In sixteenth-century Venice - a city of wealthy merchants and bankers - money is all-important. Bassanio is penniless, but his great friend Antonio offers to help him by borrowing the money that he needs. To do this, though, Antonio must make an arrangement with an old enemy that puts his life in dange
384 TL.
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. Calling all cars, calling all cars. Here's the story on the Smoke Rise kidnapping. The missing boy is eight years old, fair hair, wearing a red sweater. His name is Jeffry Reynolds, son of Charles Reynolds, chauffeur to Douglas King.' The police at the 87th Precinct hate kidnappers. And these kidnappers are stupid, too. They took the wrong boy
312 TL.
Crazy robots, mind-reading robots, humorous robots, world-ruling robots: the world of the future will be populated by robots. Information about the band: Exciting stories for readers with a vocabulary of 1,800 basic words: future continuous, future perfect, passive (modals, continuous forms), would have conditional clauses, modals + perfect infinitive and so/such ... that result clauses are used in these readers. Information about the series: With original texts and adaptations of classic and modern literat
312 TL.
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. If you find a locked room in a lonely inn, don't try to open it, even on a bright sunny day. If you find a strange whistle hidden among the stones of an old church, don't blow it. If a mysterious man gives you a piece of paper with strange writing on it, give it back to him at once. And if you call a dead man from his grave, don't expect to sl
290 TL.
Ideal for elementary learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading.It's Gromit the dog's birthday, and his friend Wallace gives him an unusual present - a pair of Techno-torusers.At first Wallace uses the trousers to take Gromit for walks, but when the penguin comes to stay, he uses them one night for somethi
384 TL.
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. San Francisco lies under a cloud of radioactive dust. People live in half-deserted buildings, and keep electric animals as pets because many real animals have died. Most people emigrate to Mars - unless they have a job to do on Earth. Like Rick Deckard - android killer for the police and owner of an electric sheep. This week he has to find, id
312 TL.
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. V. I. Warshawski, private investigator, Chicago, USA. People imagine private detectives to be tiredlooking men in raincoats, but Vic is female. She's tough, beautiful, carries a gun - and goes on asking questions until she gets answers. When her cousin Boom Boom dies in an accident, Vic is naturally upset. She wants to know how and why the acc
312 TL.
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. Chief Inspector Morse is drinking a pint of beer. He is thinking about an attractive woman who lives not far away. The woman he is thinking of is hanging, dead, from the ceiling of her kitchen. On the floor lies a chair, almost two metres away from the woman's feet. Chief Inspector Morse finishes his pint, and orders another. Perhaps he will v
312 TL.
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. Listen along with downloadable MP3 audio. Please, Mr Murdstone! Don't beat me! I've tried to learn my lessons, really I have, sir!' sobs David. Although he is only eight years old, Mr Murdstone does beat him, and David is so frightened that he bites his cruel stepfather's hand. For that, he is kept locked in his room for five days and nights,
384 TL.
Exciting stories for readers with a vocabulary of 1,800 basic words: future continuous, future perfect, passive (modals, continuous forms), would have conditional clauses, modals + perfect infinitive and so/such ... that result clauses are used in these readers. Information about the series: With original texts and adaptations of classic and modern literature, the Oxford Bookworms Library invites you to read. Illustrations make it easier to introduce new vocabulary. A rich set of tasks provides exercises an
312 TL.
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. I don't know that you have done anything wrong,' Miss Hepplewhite said. 'But it is possible that you have done something rather dangerous.' William and Susie thought they were just playing a game when they cooked a witch's brew in the old barn and said a spell over it, but Martha was not so sure. And indeed, the three friends soon learn that t
290 TL.
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. The four Walker children never meant to go to sea. They had promised their mother to stay safely in the harbour, and to be home on Friday in time for tea. But there they are in someone else's boat, drifting out to sea in a thick fog. When the fog lifts, they can turn round and sail back to the harbour. But then comes the wind and the storm, dr
291 TL.
She is a quiet, gentle girl, but neither beautiful nor clever; no one had ever admired her before, or come to whisper soft words of love to her. But in New York in the 1840s young ladies are not free to marry where they please. She must have her father's permission, and Dr Sloper is a rich man. One day Catherine will have a fortune...
373 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 1000 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 160-180 / Aktif Sayfa : 9