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What Men Live By
Remember; There is only one moment that matter, and that is now. Because it is the only one we can rule over... Lev Tolstoy, the author of masterpieces such as Anna Karenina, War and Peace, and Resurrection, spent the last thirty years of his life working on subjects such as human beings, family, religion, state, society, freedom, rebellion and aesthetics. In the works he produced during this period, he addressed human problems within a literary fiction. What Men live by? stating that the most important vi
84.6 TL. 94 TL.
Tolstoy, farklı hikayeler üzerinden, dini ve âhlâki öğütler verdiği bu eserinde, insanın yaradılış gayesinin altını çizerken, kişiye ve içinde bulunduğu topluma ayna tutuyor. Tolstoy, “İnsan ne ile yaşar?” sorunsalıyla insanı ayakta tutan gücü, manevi temellere dayandırıyor ve insanda bulunması gereken erdemleri, “Tanrı inancı, sevgi, adalet ve iyilik!” başlıklarıyla öne çıkarıyor. İyilik -kötülük, açgözlülük- kanaat, adalet-zulüm gibi zıtlıkları sorgulama imkânı bulacağınız eser, ruhunuza ve vicdanınıza ış
26 TL.
Sıcak, rüzgârsız temmuz günleri. Ormanlarda sık ağaçlar, gürbüz, yeşil yapraklarla örtülü, ancak nadir olarak kayın ve ıhlamur ağaçlarının sararan yapraklarına rastlanıyor. Yabangülü çalıları güzel kokulu çiçeklerle donanmış, orman arası çayırlıkları bal rengi yoncalar bürümüş, yeni yeni yetişen çavdar başakları sık, uzun dallarında sallanıp dalgalanıyor. Düzlüklerde çulluklar ötüşüyor, arpa ve çavdar tarlalarında bıldırcınlar ötüyor, ormanlarda bülbüller arada bir uzun uzun şakıyor, sonra birden susuyor. H
16.8 TL.
Kunduracı Simon, karısı ve çocuklarıyla birlikte bir köy-lünün evinde oturuyordu. Birçok fakir köylü gibi onunda ne evi vardı ne tarlası. Kunduracılık yaparak geçimini sağlardı. Kazancı az, ekmek de pahalıydı; kazandığı para kendilerini ancak doyuruyordu. Karı kocanın ortaklaşa giydikleri, keçi derisinden yapılmış tek bir paltoları vardı. Fakat o da artık yırtık pırtık olmuştu. İki yıldır Simon palto yapmak için yeni bir koyun derisi almak istiyordu. Kışa doğru az da olsa para biriktirmişti. Karısının sandı
15.4 TL.
So the shoemaker went on. He passed in front of the shrine so that he could not see the man. When he had gone some way, he looked back, and saw that the man was no longer leaning against the shrine, but was moving as if looking towards him. The shoemaker felt more frightened than before, and thought, Shall I go back to him, or shall Igo on? If I go near him something dreadful may happen. Who knows who the fellow is? He has not come here for any good. If I go near him he may jump up and throttle me, and the
34 TL.
When, some two years ago a collection of Atlantic essays was offered to the public, it was the editor 's idea that this volume should be, to use the current phrase, a kind of permanent exhibit of the character and quality of The Atlantic. In these hurr ying days, even the sedatest of magazines must quicken its pace to keep abreast of the marching world, and much that is most ser viceable in The Atlantic during its appointed life dies at the heart when a new number brings fresh interests to men's minds. But
38 TL.
Success vindicated Gus's contention. The second time, just as it seemed as if his slide would be repeated, he made a last supreme effort and gripped the coveted peg. By means of the rope, Hazard quickly joined him. The next peg was nearly sixty feet away; but for nearly half that distance the base of some glacier in the forgotten past had ground a shallow furrow. Taking advantage of this, it was easy for Gus to lasso the eye-bolt. And it seemed, as was really the case, that the hardest part of the task was
34 TL.
Ivan Mironov, with tears in his eyes, implored Eugene Mihailovich over and over again to acknowledge the coupon he had given him, and the yard-porter to believe what he said, but it proved quite useless; they both insisted that they had never bought firewood from a peasant in the street. The policeman brought Ivan Mironov back to the police-station, and he was charged with forging the coupon. Only after taking the advice of a drunken office clerk in the same cell with him, and bribing the police officer wit
48 TL.
Next came a thought that made him wince and mutter incoherently. It was the recollection of M. Cappele the tailor, and the six hundred and seventy-eight rubles he still owed him, and he recalled the words in which he had begged him to wait another year, and the look of perplexity and resignation which had appeared on the tailor's face. 'Oh, my God, my God!' he repeated, wincing and trying to drive away the intolerable thought. 'All the same and in spite of everything she loved me,' thought he of the girl th
48 TL.
Karl Ivanitch was taken aback, He left off tickling my feet, and asked me kindly what the matter was, Had I had a disagreeable dream? His good German face and the sympathy with which he sought to know the cause of my tears made them flow the faster. I felt conscience-stricken, and could not understand how, only a minute ago, I had been hating Karl, and thinking his dressing-gown and cap and tassel disgusting. On the contrary, they looked eminently lovable now. Even the tassel seemed another token of his goo
39.2 TL.
 %  10
Tolstoy Bütün Eserleri - 1857-1863; Üç Ölüm - Aile Mutluluğu - Kazaklar - Polikuşka - Dekabristler
Tolstoy artık üniversite eğitimini, sonra da askerliği yarım bırakan ve ailesinden miras kalan çiftliğinin başına geçen, toprak sahibi genç bir yazardır. 1857'de ilk Avrupa seyahati sırasında topraklarında reform yapmayı, köylüleri özgürleştirmeyi ve onlara eğitim götürmeyi hayal eder. Öte yandan köy hayatı ve doğa bu arayışlar döneminin merkezindedir. Genç yazarın arayışlarının ve düşüncesinin üzerinde hep Rus tarihinin gölgesi vardır. 1856'da başladığı ve yarım bıraktığı, neredeyse roman ile tarihse
265.5 TL. 295 TL.
Hadji Murad was written in the same period and was Tolstoy's last major piece of fiction to be completed. In the year before his death his wife wrote in her diary: I have done nothing but copy out Hadji Murad. It's so good! I simply couldn't tear myself away from it. It was not published until 1912. - The Guardian
82.5 TL.
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