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Toplam 4 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1
Türkiye is in close and intense relationship with world markets. There are many foreign investors investing and many foreigners, including the refugees, working in Türkiye. Such dynamic situation also arouse interest from foreign academics. Therefore, there is a need for a source in English language for those who are concerned. This work both aims to provide information for foreign researchers, foreigners, and investors; and to overcome the deficiency of a scientific book written on the Turkish Individual L
185 TL.
Yaşlılık dönemi insanların yaşantılarında çeşitli değişimlerin gerçekleştiği bir dönemdir. İnsanlar bu dönemde çalışma gücünde kayıplar yaşarlar, çalışma hayatından çekilme gereği duyarlar ve yaşlanmanın neticesinde sağlık harcamalarında artışlarla karşılaşırlar. Bu yönüyle yaşlılık sosyal güvenlik hukuku bakımından bir risktir ve insanların bu riske karşı koruma altına alınması gerekmektedir. Sosyal güvenlik ise bu korumayı genellikle iki yolla sağlar. Bunlar sosyal yardımlar ve hizmetler ile sosyal sigort
340 TL.
Collective labour law contains the procedural provisions that must be followed to achieve the rights which are gained as a result of long period of struggles in the history. Collective labour law is emerged after the bargains made between the states, employee's trade unions and employer's side. In short, it constitutes the principles, regulations and mechanisms on which all three sides of working life are agreed upon. This book consists of four main sections, considering the procedure followed in Turkish co
200 TL.
This work primarily aims to overcome the deficiency of book written on the individual labour law in English language for various faculties. On the other hand, it aims to provide information on the basic principles of Turkish Individual Labour Law for foreign investors, whose numbers are increasing day by day, and foreign jurists who are interested in Turkish Law. It is very pleasing for us to publish this book not only because it will be beneficial to the readers, but also it is written by three academician
72 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 4 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1