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Toplam 4 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1
İş yaşamı ve işletmede çeşitli faaliyetler yer almaktadır. Çeşitli uzmanlık alanlarında karmaşık ve kapsamlı faaliyetler, doğal olarak, bu kitapta yeterince ve gereği kadar yer almaktadır. Bu bağlamda kitap, iş ve işletme yaşamında bir ne var, ne yok kitabı özelliği taşımaktadır. İş yaşamı ve işletme ile ilgili hemen hemen her konu, dar kapsamı ile basit olarak ele alınmış ve açıklanmıştır. Kitabın her bölümü, o alanda uzman olan bir öğretim üyesinin, bölüm ile ilgili mesaj niteliğinde bir yazısı ile baş
650 TL.
* What is a business, what activities constitute business? * What is the role of a business in peoples life? * What are the major functions in managing business ? * What are the new concerns of business? One can ask many other questions similar to rhose above and expect answers to these questions in a business textbook. Introduction to Business by S.Kadri Mirze covers the basic issues in business and provides answers to the business-related questions in an easy-going, introductory book format for first y
425 TL.
* What is a business, what activities constitute business? * What is the role of a business in people´s life? * What are the major functions in managing business ? * What are the new concerns of business? One can ask many other questions similar to rhose above and expect answers to these questions in a business textbook. Introduction to Business by S.Kadri Mirze covers the basic issues in business and provides answers to the business-related questions in an easy-going, introductory book format for first
39.81 TL.
Current and Comprehensive Textbook Introduction To Business is designed to be a comprehensive book for first year students of schools of business in Turkey. It discusses general topics and issues in business life and uses a descriptive manner. It is current and comprehensive and kept local within the global context.The book covers all current business related topics and issues. The new paradigms in business, new thoughts and techniques in doing business, the updated issues about the environment, functions
46.3 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 4 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1