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Toplam 25 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1
2021 TYT Türkçe Konu Anlatımı
88 TL.
Household education is a subject so important in its bearings on every one's happiness, and so inexhaustible in itself, that I do not see how any person whatever can undertake to lecture upon it authoritatively, as if it was a matter completely known and entirely settled. It seems to me that all that we can do is to reflect, and say what we think, and learn of one another. This is, at least, all that I venture to offer. I propose to say, in a series of chapters, what I have observed and thought on the subje
54 TL.
In order that knowledge should be a delight, I submit that knowledge should be remembered. A certain man George Eliot describes, who had a sense of having had a liberal education until he tried to remember something! The culture of some people seems to consist in having heard a large number of proper names. Oh, yes, I've heard of him—the rest a blank. In our day, mental training has neglected the training of the memory. I even urge a considerable amount of old-fashioned memorizing. Lay up for yourselves tre
34 TL.
If, however, instead of avoiding the puddle unconsciously, I do so from consideration of the danger of wet feet and the disagreeableness of soiled shoes and the ridiculous appearance I shall make, then the current cannot take the short circuit, but must pass on up to the cortex. Here it awakens consciousness to take notice of the obstruction, and calls forth the images which aid in directing the necessary movements. This simple illustration may be greatly complicated, substituting for it one of the more com
74 TL.
There is a third mode of treatment, more common, perhaps, among us than either of the preceding, which, though much milder in its character than they, we still class among the violent measures, on account of its operation and effects. It consists of stern and harsh rebukes, denunciations of the heinousness of the sin of falsehood, with solemn premonitions of the awful consequences of it, in this life and in that to come, intended to awaken feelings of alarm and distress in the mind of the child, as a means
68 TL.
From the day I caught the idea, that a great secret in teaching the young was to teach through the senses, the various implements now in such general use in infant schools, were step by step invented by me. Objects of all kinds were introduced, and oral lessons given upon them, to teach their qualities and properties, and amongst the various visitors most frequently present at such times, was the gentleman who has acquired fame by publishing Lessons on Objects, which little work has elsewhere been highly co
88 TL.
Adına medeniyet bile denilemeyecek bu bilgi ve teknolojiye dayalı maddeci yapı insanı insan yapan en önemli yönü olan ruhunu görememiş, bu yönünü ihmal etmiş ve insanı insanın kurdu haline getirmiştir. Maddi ve teknolojik gelişmeler insanlığın hayrına kullanılmamış, emperyalist bir anlayışla sadece kendi mutlulukları için dünyanın geri kalanını sömürerek kan ve gözyaşıyla yoğrulmuş nice mazlum halkların doğmasına neden olmuştur Dünyaya sevgi ve hizmete dayalı gerçek medeniyetin ne olduğunu göstermiş aziz
62 TL.
Sevgisiz yaşanmaz: Sevginin sınıfı da olmaz. İnsanlar, hayvanlar, ağaçlar, sular sevgisiz olmaz. Sevgi olmadan yaşam olmaz. Sevgisiz dünya olmaz. Sevgisizlik cehenneme giden yoldur. Yüreğinize hayvan sevgisi, dost sevgisi, candan dost, can dost sevgisi bir kere damlamaya dursun. Bir daha asla kurumaz, sürekli büyür, çoğalır. Sevmenin, sevilmenin doyumsuz zevkine varır, muhteşem huzurunu yaşarsın. Sonrası bir sevda, bir tutku gibidir asla vazgeçemezsiniz. Ne zaman ve nerede bir hayvan görseniz mutlaka gözün
84 TL.
Bir yıldız kaysa gökyüzünden Kendime benzetiyorum Bir tane düşse üzümden Kendime benzetiyorum Hani mısır kavrulur ya Sağa sola savrulur ya İki sevgili ayrılır ya Birini kendime benzetiyorum Kazıp sürülen toprağı Yanıp da lav saçan dağı Sararıp düşen yaprağı Kendime benzetiyorum
68 TL.
Kadı ne kadar konuşursan konuş hep aynı yerdedir. Bey yargılanamaz. Bekir şu adamı biraz daha anlamak ister. Kadı da yargılanamaz öyle mi, bey denen o soytarı nerede, nereye kaçırdınız, ya da nerede saklıyorsunuz? Kadı çok vurduduymaz, hala kendisini beyin yargıcı zannediyor ki adam bir kibir abidesi. Bilsek te söylemeyiz. Bekir adamlara bakar, burada emniyette olduğundan emin. Şimdi benim adaletim başladı mı bülbül gibi ötersiniz, beyinizin zindanından başlayalım, eseriniz olan zindan. O zindanda eseriniz
88 TL.
Of French literature, taken as a whole, it may boldly be said that it is, not the wisest, not the weightiest, not certainly the purest and loftiest, but by odds the most brilliant and the most interesting, literature in the world. Strong at many points, at some points triumphantly strong, it is conspicuously weak at only one point,—the important point of poetry. In eloquence, in philosophy, even in theology; in history, in fiction, in criticism, in epistolary writing, in what may be called the pamphlet; in
64 TL.
Durkheim a enseigné toute sa vie la pédagogie, en même temps que la sociologie. À la Faculté des lettres de Bordeaux, de 1887 à 1902, il a toujours donné, hebdomadairement, une heure de cours à la pédagogie. Ses auditeurs étaient surtout des membres de renseignement primaire. À la Sorbonne, c'est dans la chaire de Science de l'Éducation qu'en 1902 il suppléa, qu'en 1906 il remplaça M. Ferdinand Buisson. Jusqu'à sa mort, il y a réservé, à la pédagogie, un tiers au moins, et souvent les deux tiers de son ense
56 TL.
There are quite a number of divisions into which life can be divided, but for the purposes of this evening I am going to speak of two; the bright side of life and the dark side. In thought, in talk, in action, I think you will find that you can separate life into these two divisions—the dark side and the bright side, the discouraging side and the encouraging side. You will find, too, that there are two classes of people, just as there are two divisions of the subject. There is one class that is schooling i
56 TL.
In order to accomplish these ends, story-telling must be unmarred by creaking machinery, and it must be sympathetic. The narrator must rise above the level of a mere lesson giver and approach the plane of the artist, which he can do only by giving an artist's preparation to his work. The old-time raconteur swayed the destiny of nations because he was an artist, because he himself believed in the message he brought. He put heart and labor into his work, which gave his words a sincerity that never failed to c
74 TL.
No idea is probably more ingrained in modern thinking, no opinion is more generally accepted, no conclusion is surer to most people, than that we are in the midst of marvellous progress in this little world of ours, and that our generation is somewhere at the apex of the Pyramid of Progress, elevated thereto by the attainments of the generations that have preceded us. As the Poet Laureate put it at the close of the nineteenth century, we are the heirs of all the ages in the foremost files of time; and becau
72 TL.
The following lectures were written primarily to be delivered at the summer sessions of the University of California, at Berkeley and at Los Angeles, in the summer of 1918. We are printing them, however, so that the information in them can be more widely distributed, since they are the outgrowth of almost a quarter of a century spent in work for the blind, and were written from the standpoint of a blind person, seeking to better the condition of the blind. They were addressed not to the blind, but to the se
48 TL.
Aslında tahmin edebileceğin, çok bilindik bir hikâye, Watson. Genç, sadakatsiz bir eş ve güvenilmez bir arkadaş. Amberley'in satranç merakı var. Lewisham'a yakın bir yerde oturan genç bir doktor var, o da satranç meraklısı. Bu ortak merak yüzünden genç doktor, Amberley'in evine sık sık gelip gitmeye başlıyor. Doktorun adını not almıştım: Dr. Ray Ernest. Doktorun eve sık gelip gitmeleri sonunda Bayan Amberley ile arasında sıkı fıkı bir ilişki başlıyor. Senin de gördüğün gibi müşterimiz ne kadar iyi bir insan
34.3 TL.
Bu kitap Mesleki ve Teknik Eğitim ile ilgili hazırlanmış 2 makaleden oluşmuştur. Kitabın ilk bölümünde Mesleki ve teknik Anadolu liselerindeki kültür dersleri ile meslek dersleri hakkında öğrenci algılarının değerlendirilmesi başlıklı makale, kitabın ikinci bölümünde ise mesleki ve teknik anadolu liselerinde son sınıf öğrencilerinin staja (işletmelerde beceri eğitimine) bakışlarına ilişkin nitel bir araştırma isimli makale yer almıştır. Anket çalışmasını yaptığım Samsun Şehit İlhan Hamlı Mesleki ve Teknik
56 TL.
There were under the law, excellent King, both daily sacrifices and freewill offerings; the one proceeding upon ordinary observance, the other upon a devout cheerfulness: in like manner there belongeth to kings from their servants both tribute of duty and presents of affection. In the former of these I hope I shall not live to be wanting, according to my most humble duty and the good pleasure of your Majesty's employments: for the latter, I thought it more respective to make choice of some oblation which mi
66 TL.
What a grip she kept on me! Something inside of her caressed the head of my instrument, and the contractions of that moist warm chink seemed to increase every moment. The folds of her adorable vagina worked up and down on my delighted pintle in a truly marvellous manner, and for the rest of my life I have never had experience of a woman so gifted as she was in that way. I was quite painfully stiff, she excited me so, and almost before I had realised all that had happened to me, the flood came again, and thi
44 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 25 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1