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Toplam 97 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1
Cricket began when first a man-monkey, instead of catching a cocoanut thrown him playfully by a fellowanthropoid, hit it away from him with a stick which he chanced to be holding in his hand. But the date of this occurrence is not easy to ascertain, and therefore it is impossible to fix the date of the invention of cricket. For cricket has passed through so many stages of evolution before arriving at the phase in which we find it to-day that it is difficult to say when the name, as we understand its meaning
88 TL.
It may or it may not be a serious reflection upon the accuracy of histor y that the circumstances of the invention of the first ball are enveloped in some doubt. Herodotus attributes it to the Lydians, but several other writers unite in conceding to a certain beautiful lady of Corcyra, Anagalla by name, the credit of first having made a ball for the purpose of pastime. Several passages in Homer rather sustain this latter view, and, therefore, with the weight of evidence, and to the glor y of woman, we, too,
55 TL.
Bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh, are these half-brutish prehistoric brothers. Girdled about with the immense darkness of this mysterious universe even as we are, they were born and died, suffered and struggled. Given over to fearful crime and passion, plunged in the blackest ignorance, preyed upon by hideous and grotesque delusions, yet steadfastly serving the profoundest of ideals in their fixed faith that existence in any form is better than nonexistence, they ever rescued triumphantly from the j
54 TL.
Architetti di tali edifizi furono quei magistri comacini, i quali, da più secoli addietro, esercitavano, quasi esclusivamente, l'arte e l'industria del fabbricare, non soltanto nella Lombardia, ma eziandio nelle altre provincie d'Italia e persino oltre l'Alpi; successori e continuatori di quegli artigiani medesimi che, sotto l'Impero Romano, erano liberi o schiavi: ma la libertà negli uni era vincolata dall'obbligo di esercitare, di padre in figlio, la professione medesima in una zona di territorio determin
34 TL.
Altyapı ülkelerin gelişmişlik seviyesini göstermektedir. Ulaştırma altyapısı ise özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkelerde dinamik bir yapıya sahiptir. Türkiye'de altyapı yatırımları ulaştırma başta olmak üzere hızlı bir gelişim göstermektedir. 21.yüzyılda ulaştırma ve altyapının nasıl şekilleneceği noktası oldukça önemlidir. Yazar Türkçe 9. ve toplamda 10.kitabında ulaştırmanın yeni yüzyıldaki gelişim çerçevesine odaklanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda özellikle metro ve yüksek hızlı trenler başta olmak üzere demiryolları
62 TL.
Goalkeepers, like poets, are born, not made. It is really the most difficult position on the field to occupy. If the half-back makes a mistake it can be rectified by the man behind him, but if the goalkeeper makes a blunder it is fatal. It is the one position on the field that I have never occupied, and I never had any desire to figure there. My ideal for that position would be a man who stood six feet and weighed at least thirteen stone, with an eye as keen as that of a hawk. He must be able to divine wher
44 TL.
I am sure that it is not necessar y for me, at this late day, to dwell upon the fact that I am an enthusiast in my devotion to hunting and fishing, as well as ever y other kind of outdoor recreation. I am so proud of this devotion that, although my sporting proclivities have at times subjected me to criticism and petty forms of persecution, I make no claim that my steadfastness should be looked upon as manifesting the courage of martyrdom. On the contrar y, I regard these criticisms and persecutions as noth
48 TL.
Monoqrafiyada 19. əsrin sonu 20. əsrin əvvəllərində Nax çıvan bölgəsinin maarifpərvər ziyalılarının təhsillə bağlı görüş lərinin əsas istiqamətləri və onların məktəb təhsili sahəsindəki fəaliyyətləri (yeni üsullu məktəblərin yaradılması, təlimin ana dilində aparılması, qızların təhsilə cəlb edilməsi, milli müəllim kadrlarının hazırlanması, əlifba islahatı və s.) müəyyənləşdiril miş, dövrün ictimaimədəni inkişafı fonunda maarifçi hərəkatın məzmun xüsusiyyətləri araşdırılmışdır. Monoqrafiyada ali məktəb tələb
78 TL.
21.yüzyılın hareketlilik olguları kentleşme, dijitalleşme ve sürdürülebilirliktir. Yüksek hızlı trenler bunun tam da merkezinde yer almaktadır. Bu nedenle son 20 yıldır gelişmiş ülkelerin daha da gündemine yerleşen bu ulaştırma türü gün geçtikçe daha fazla önem kazanmaktadır. Birçok gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülke yüksek hızlı trenlere yatırım yapmaktadır. Türkiye de bu sürecin içerisinde aktif ve etkili bir şekilde yer almaktadır. Yazar 8. Türkçe kitabında ulaştırma konusuna yüksek hızlı trenler merkezli
58 TL.
Görüntü işleme, havacılık, tıp, astronomi, coğrafya, biyoloji, endüstriyel uygulamalar, mühendislik, belge işleme,güvenlik, savunma ve hukuk, parmak izi, plaka, iris, yüz tanıma gibi pek çok bilim alanında kullanılmaktadır. Bu alanlarda amaca uygun verilerin işlenmesi amacıyla kullanıma sunulmadan önce sıkıştırma, morfolojik işleme, görüntü onarma, görüntü süzme ve zenginleştirme, görüntü elde etme, bölütleme, nesne tanıma gibi ön işlemeyetabi tutulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada istatistiksel işaret işleme yöntemle
58 TL.
The All theme is about us, you and me and our's, in various different names, alphabets. This repeats and repeats and makes the book.
60 TL.
Until the middle of the nineteenth century, Peterborough remained one of the most unchanged examples in the kingdom of the monastic borough. The place was called into existence by the monaster y and was entirely dependent on it. The Abbot was supreme lord, and had his own gaol. He possessed great power over the whole hundred. And even after the See of Peterborough was constituted, and the Abbey Church became a cathedral, many of the ancient privileges were retained by the newly formed Dean and Chapter. They
54 TL.
The world wa world war represents not the triumph, but the birth of democracy. The true ideal of democracy-the rule of a people by the demos, or group soul-is a thing unrealized. How then is it possible to consider or discuss an architecture of democracy-the shadow of a shade? It is not possible to do so with any degree of finality, but by an intention of consciousness upon this juxtaposition of ideas-architecture and democracy-signs of the times may yield new meanings, relations may emerge between things a
56 TL.
The recent revival of the Olympic games is a striking testimony to the influence which ancient Greece still exercises over the modern world, and to the important place which athletics occupied in the life of the Greeks. Other nations may have given equal attention to the physical education of the young; other nations may have been equally fond of sport; other nations may have produced individual athletes, individual performances equal or superior to those of the Greeks, but nowhere can we find any parallel
94 TL.
For a an adult person to be unable to swim points to something like criminal negligence; every man, woman and child should learn. A person who can not swim may not only become a danger to himself, but to some one, and perhaps to several, of his fellow beings. Children as early as the age of four may acquire the art; none are too young, none too old. Doctors recommend swimming as the best all-around exercise. It is especially beneficial to ner vous people. Swimming reduces corpulency, improves the figure, ex
52 TL.
The popular demand for perfect ball playing, has developed such marked differences in England and America, that a short comparison between base ball and cricket may be of interest to some readers, and may tend to greater toleration. Here the professional has been brought into undue prominence, because of his recognized skill, while the people ignore the efforts of the amateurs, and cannot be induced to part with their quarter to see a comedy of base ball errors, or witness the efforts of the undisciplined c
44 TL.
Give me your hand, gentle reader, and come along with me. It is glorious weather; there is a tender blue in the May sky ; the smooth young leaves of the willows glisten as though they had been polished; the wide even road is all covered with that delicate grass with the little reddish stalk that the sheep are so fond of nibbling; to right and to left, over the long sloping hillsides, the green ye is softly waving; the shadows of small clouds glide in thin long streaks over it. In the distance is the dark ma
66 TL.
For Architecture b Architecture being an Art that has scarce any other Rule to walk by, in performing all those Excellencies her Works are capable of, than what we call a Good Fancy, which truly distinguishes that which is Beautiful and Good from that which is not so; it's absolutely necessar y that one be perswaded that the Fancy he follows is better than any other; to the end, that this Perswasion insinuating it self into them that study this Art, it may form in them a Correct and Regular Idea, which with
56 TL.
There are very large firms throughout the country whose sole business is for this line of merchandise, and who are at all times anxious to make contracts with parties in the countr y who will give the work business-like attention, such as would attend the production of other farm articles, and which is so necessar y to the success of the work. If one could visit the buyers of such firms and ask how reliable they have found their sources of supply for the various kinds required, it would provoke much laughte
76 TL.
The success of Weston and O'Lear y in their long-distance walks in England surprised the Britons greatly. Up to the time of Weston's appearance in that countr y, Englishmen had been accustomed to consider themselves the best walkers in the world; but the two Americans-the native and the naturalized-soon took the conceit out of them. The best English long-distance walkers were Peter Crossland and Henr y Vaughan, who had both done excellent work in matches of the kind then practiced in England. But the introd
56 TL.
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Toplam 97 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1