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Toplam 17 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1
A mentor can help with a wide range of issues to address the challenges you are facing. For example, the mentees may want to improve their skills in a particular area, or they may need guidance in making an important decision. Goals are useful because they help the mentee to see the bigger picture, not get bogged down in day-to-day tasks and problems. It is important to teach the mentee to return regularly to their goals, to focus on achieving them and to measure progress. The mentor must be able to assess
180 TL.
 %  15
Exploring Leadership Behavior Model for Cross-Continents NGOs ;(Non-Government Organizations): Impact on Local Development
Non-government organizations (NGOs) have played a pivotal role in community development and nation building across the world. Starting as local organizations spearheaded by individuals with a sense of volunteerism and idealism, many of these organizations expand and become large organizations with international reach (Jayawickrama, 2011). With this expansion, many are entrusted with substantial financial resources and become more sophisticated as an organization (Jayawickrama, 2011). Hence, public expectati
195.5 TL. 230 TL.
“I have decided to conduct a special military operation ... to protect people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide ... for the last eight years. And for this we will strive for the demilitarisation and denasification of Ukraine. And to bring to court those who committed numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation.” Vladimir Putin, President of Russia “Putin has just launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Peaceful Ukrainian cities are un
80 TL.
Principles of Philosophy of The Future Kısa Özet German philosopher and sociologist. (1804 - 1872) Ludwig Feuerbach studied theology in Heidelberg, then philosophy in Berlin where he became a disciple of Hegel. But at the end of his work on Bacon and Spinoza, he detaches himself from this thought which he criticizes as being too “idealistic” and sees in Hegel a theologian disguised as a philosopher. He then works to “put on his feet the man whom speculative philosophy had put on his head”. Its philos
120 TL.
 %  15
Feminist Ethics in Jeanette Winterson’s Written on the Body
In this book, Jeanette Winterson’s Written on the Body (1992) is addressed in terms of feminist ethics, which has become a significant theory in the late twentieth century. Feminist ethics mainly deals with male-biased Western ethical societies. As a result of these male-biased ethical theories and moral practices, the experiences, values, thoughts, and virtues of women are confined to a patriarchal space. While women are conventionally associated with domestic spaces, dependency on relational roles, care,
122.4 TL. 144 TL.
 %  15
Democrat Party Era in British Embassy Annual Reports (Internal-External-Economic Affairs) (1950-1960)
Anadolu Efsanelerinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Kısa Özet Toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinin öğrenilip benimsenmesi nasıl gerçekleşir? İnsanlara kadın ve erkek olmanın ne demek olduğu, onlardan nelerin beklendiği nasıl anlatılır, akıllara kazınacak örnekler hangi yollarla verilir? Bu süreçlerin öğrenilmesinde halk edebiyatı ürünlerinin etkisi nedir? Bu çalışmanın yapılmasında tetikleyici olan nokta özellikle gelin kayalarına dair anlatılan efsaneler olmuştur. Bir sebeple ‘namus’u tehlike altına giren kadınlar el açıp
161.5 TL. 190 TL.
This book analyzes Peter Barnes’ plays, The Ruling Class (1968), Leonardo’s Last Supper (1969), Noonday Demons (1969), and Dreaming (1969), as examples of modern Menippean satire. In contrast to formal verse satire, that is defined as a rhetorical attack upon a particular vice and includes praise for its opposite virtue in the midst of an argument, Menippean satire is difficult to define because of its protean structure. Therefore, whilst defining Menippean satire it is helpful to ask what Menippean satire
165 TL.
 %  10
My Mother’s Voice
Everything began two years ago with the protest of a grieving mother, who is known as “Mother Hacire” in Turkey. She came to the Peoples’ Democratic Party’s (HDP) Diyarbakır headquarters with a hammer in her hand, broke the windows of the building and said: “I am not leaving here without my child!” And, she started a sit-in protest in front of the building. In this book, you will witness the stories of the children who were taken to the mountains when it was not possible for them to even marry of their own
450 TL. 500 TL.
 %  15
Heritage, World Heritage, and the Future ;(Miras, Dünya Mirası ve Gelecek)
5-6 Aralık 2019 tarihlerinde gerçekleşen 14. Uluslararası ANAMED Yıllık Sempozyumu, "Miras, Dünya Mirası ve Gelecek: Ölçek, Koruma ve Diyalog Üzerine Görüşler"in İngilizce bildiri kitabı “Heritage, World Heritage, and the Future: Perspectives on Scale, Conservation, and Dialogue” yayımlandı. Bu yayını oluşturan makaleler –Dünya Mirası Sözleşmesi ve Türkiye'deki uygulamalar da dahil olmak üzere– arkeolojik ve doğal mirasın korunması, alan koruması ve koruma çalışmalarının finansmanı, arkeolojik araştırmalara
1190 TL. 1400 TL.
The 1994 agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) led to a radical shift in the functioning of the world economy. It was the result of intense lobbying by Northern intellectual property intensive firms, set the international standards and objectives for the protection of IP. This book uncovers the collusions between state and capital that rendered possible the emergence of the harshest global intellectual property regulations to date. The current global IP regime is ak
95 TL.
 %  10
Antik Uygarlıkların Tarım Sosyolojisi
Modern sosyolojinin kurucularından biri sayılan ve sosyolojik yöntemi yetkinleştiren Max Weber’in iktisatçı, hukukçu ve tarihçi yönü zaman zaman göz ardı edilmiş, görüşleri ‘idealist’ diye yaftalanıp genellikle Karl Marx’ın fikirlerinin karşısına konmuştur. Kimilerince ‘Antikçağın toplumsal ve iktisadi gelişimi hakkında bugüne dek yazılmış en özgün ve derinlikli çalışmalardan biri’ olarak görülen elinizdeki kitap, bir bakıma Weber’in işte bu gibi önyargılara bir itirazıdır. Weber, uzun süre boyunca görmezde
378 TL. 420 TL.
Gecekondu settlements and housing policies have always been controversial issues in urbanisation history of Turkey. The housing policies and the approaches to gecekondu settlements have changed in distinct periods depending on sociospatial and economic circumstances. The small scale house builders played a crucial role in housing sector for regenerating the gecekondu settlements, until Housing Development Administration took the lead in large scale urban transformation projetcs in the begining of 2000s. In
230 TL.
 %  10
The Politics of National Identity Building
Along with the most important developments of the 20th century, capitalism, industrial revolution and modernization, the aims of establishing a national identity of the newly established states in the imperial geographies came to the fore as an important agenda. In this book, which focuses on researching and discussing the role of ideologies in the production of space during the construction of national identity, Kızılay and Taksim Republic Squares have been chosen as exemplary study areas because they are
116.1 TL. 129 TL.
 %  10
The Critique of Neoliberalism in David Hare’s Plays
Neoliberalism is the most widespread of the capital-oriented ideologies theorized in the 2700-year history of money. Neoliberalism has dominated the political universe since the 1970s. British playwright and director David Hare, who in his fifty-year theatrical career created plays on world-shattering topics such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Chinese Revolution, the corruption of British institutions and Covid-19, brought the destruction of neoliberalism to the stage in the plays he wrote after t
99 TL. 110 TL.
 %  10
İstanbul'da Bir Konak ve Yeni Kadınlar; İngiliz Kadın Gazetecinin Gözüyle Türk Evi ve Gündelik Hayat
"Ah şu "harem" kelimesi! Avrupa bu talihsiz kelimenin mânasını nasıl kavrayacak? "Kutsal" ve "yasak" anlamlarına gelen bu Arapça kelime, Türk evlerinde sadece kadınlara ayrılan bölümleri anlatmak için kullanılır. Şimdi gözünüzde bir konak (Türk sarayı, büyük bir Türk köşkü) canlandırın; Marmara Denizi'ni ve güzelim adaları gören enfes bir manzarası olsun. Bahçenin ahşap kapıları her daim açık durur. Dilenciler serbestçe içeri girip araba yolunda ve bahçede aylak aylak dolanır; ağaçların altına oturup meyvel
126 TL. 140 TL.
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Toplam 17 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1