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Toplam 116 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 40-60 / Aktif Sayfa : 3
 %  15
Sustainable Composites From Renewable Resources
Orijinal baskı. İngilizce orijinal metin
34 TL. 40 TL.
In the modern world, at the point where today's industries have come, the reverse logistics is as important as the traditional logistics. This is not only important for the companies, but also for the environmental protection. Like the production processes, companies do not want to endure more costs during the reverse logistics processes and while protecting the environment. Companies can hit two birds with one stone by optimizing the reverse logistics process. Precisely at this point, this book will be a v
140 TL.
The 21st century is full of signs of a multipolar world order. In this dynamic world with high level of globalization, many countries have emerged with their intervention in events that directly affect international developments and a multipolar struggle has begun. Eurasia is the most important continent where multipolar struggle is experienced. In all developments occurring on this continent, Turkey has to be taken into account in terms of its geographical, military strength, economy and relations. Clearly
40 TL.
Bu kitap İngilizce okuma becerilerinizi geliştirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Okuma, hem TOEFL, IELTS ve PTE gibi uluslararası sınavların hem de üniversitelerin hazırlık sınıflarını geçmek için uygulanan proficiency sınavlarının önemli bir parçasını oluşturuyor. Okuma becerisi, birçok alt beceriyi de içeriyor. Örneğin, öğrenciler üst seviyelerde bile bazen karmaşık gramer yapısı nedeniyle ifadeleri anlayamayabiliyorlar ya da yanlış anlıyorlar. Akademik okuma sınavları, öğrencilerden aynı zamanda çıkarım yapmak,
350 TL.
Bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh, are these half-brutish prehistoric brothers. Girdled about with the immense darkness of this mysterious universe even as we are, they were born and died, suffered and struggled. Given over to fearful crime and passion, plunged in the blackest ignorance, preyed upon by hideous and grotesque delusions, yet steadfastly serving the profoundest of ideals in their fixed faith that existence in any form is better than nonexistence, they ever rescued triumphantly from the j
54 TL.
Architetti di tali edifizi furono quei magistri comacini, i quali, da più secoli addietro, esercitavano, quasi esclusivamente, l'arte e l'industria del fabbricare, non soltanto nella Lombardia, ma eziandio nelle altre provincie d'Italia e persino oltre l'Alpi; successori e continuatori di quegli artigiani medesimi che, sotto l'Impero Romano, erano liberi o schiavi: ma la libertà negli uni era vincolata dall'obbligo di esercitare, di padre in figlio, la professione medesima in una zona di territorio determin
34 TL.
Cricket began when first a man-monkey, instead of catching a cocoanut thrown him playfully by a fellowanthropoid, hit it away from him with a stick which he chanced to be holding in his hand. But the date of this occurrence is not easy to ascertain, and therefore it is impossible to fix the date of the invention of cricket. For cricket has passed through so many stages of evolution before arriving at the phase in which we find it to-day that it is difficult to say when the name, as we understand its meaning
88 TL.
 %  15
Integrating Culture Into Efl/Esl Classes
Mutual understanding and having intercultural communication skills are more important than ever as societies become more diverse. Our nations continue to grow more mixed and as teachers experience cultural and ethnic diversity more in their classrooms due to the global world, an understanding of the relationship between language and culture needs to be established in foreign language teaching. With the discussions of cultural competency being the fifth skill in foreign language teaching, although this may s
153 TL. 180 TL.
The world is changing and ages are added together. The modern age is the period when high technology dominates the world. The world is experiencing an ecosystem where information and communication Technologies are at the highest level. The 21st century is called the Age of Information and Communication. Many sectors and social groups in the world are built on the basis of information and communication technologies and work with information and communication technologies. It is impossible to avoid technolog
250 TL.
Artificial intelligence is not a new term indeed; it has been talked about and discussed among scientists, investors, practitioners, etc., since the 1950s. Although progress was slow but recently speeded up with recent emerging technologies and application of AI is expanding to other fields, and for sure, AI soon will be used in day to day life of people. AI can be defined as the ability of machines to mimic natural intelligence using computers to analyze data, to learn from data and provide descriptive, pr
95 TL.
Monoqrafiyada 19. əsrin sonu 20. əsrin əvvəllərində Nax çıvan bölgəsinin maarifpərvər ziyalılarının təhsillə bağlı görüş lərinin əsas istiqamətləri və onların məktəb təhsili sahəsindəki fəaliyyətləri (yeni üsullu məktəblərin yaradılması, təlimin ana dilində aparılması, qızların təhsilə cəlb edilməsi, milli müəllim kadrlarının hazırlanması, əlifba islahatı və s.) müəyyənləşdiril miş, dövrün ictimaimədəni inkişafı fonunda maarifçi hərəkatın məzmun xüsusiyyətləri araşdırılmışdır. Monoqrafiyada ali məktəb tələb
78 TL.
 %  15
Journeys Samples of Travel in British and American Fictions
Due to the author’s motivation, travel literature is significantly orgiastic fiction and provides readers with assorted information by courtesy of a sweet and straightforward language. By reading travel literature with the narrator’s gaze, we go through deep valleys and high mountains, visit abandoned villages through tye rivers and oceans, and get acquainted with people and their rituals. We hear with the author’s ears and see through his eyes. Travel literature reports the author’s mentality about the eso
119 TL. 140 TL.
 %  15
International West Asia Congress;Of Tourism Research (IWACT-2020) Full Papers The Book of Proceedings
International West Asia Congress Of Tourism Research (IWACT-2020) Full Papers
55.25 TL. 65 TL.
Sevgili Sınav Öğrencileri, Yirmi yılı aşkın süredir İngilizce sınav öğretmeni olarak çalışmaktayım. Birçok farklı kaynaklardan binlerce öğrencimle Ösym ingilizce sınavlarının yanı sıra uluslararası sınavlar için de eğitim verdim. Bu çalışmalarım sırasında zaman zaman farkettiğim piyasadaki kaynaklar arasında önemli bir eksiklik şu oldu. Birincisi toplu olarak hazırlanmış yüksek hacimli bir kelime kitabı ve bu soruların özenle fen ve sosyal bilim dallarına uygun olarak taranarak gerçekleştirilmemesi. İkincis
125 TL.
The popular demand for perfect ball playing, has developed such marked differences in England and America, that a short comparison between base ball and cricket may be of interest to some readers, and may tend to greater toleration. Here the professional has been brought into undue prominence, because of his recognized skill, while the people ignore the efforts of the amateurs, and cannot be induced to part with their quarter to see a comedy of base ball errors, or witness the efforts of the undisciplined c
44 TL.
Give me your hand, gentle reader, and come along with me. It is glorious weather; there is a tender blue in the May sky ; the smooth young leaves of the willows glisten as though they had been polished; the wide even road is all covered with that delicate grass with the little reddish stalk that the sheep are so fond of nibbling; to right and to left, over the long sloping hillsides, the green ye is softly waving; the shadows of small clouds glide in thin long streaks over it. In the distance is the dark ma
66 TL.
There are very large firms throughout the country whose sole business is for this line of merchandise, and who are at all times anxious to make contracts with parties in the countr y who will give the work business-like attention, such as would attend the production of other farm articles, and which is so necessar y to the success of the work. If one could visit the buyers of such firms and ask how reliable they have found their sources of supply for the various kinds required, it would provoke much laughte
76 TL.
The success of Weston and O'Lear y in their long-distance walks in England surprised the Britons greatly. Up to the time of Weston's appearance in that countr y, Englishmen had been accustomed to consider themselves the best walkers in the world; but the two Americans-the native and the naturalized-soon took the conceit out of them. The best English long-distance walkers were Peter Crossland and Henr y Vaughan, who had both done excellent work in matches of the kind then practiced in England. But the introd
56 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 116 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 40-60 / Aktif Sayfa : 3