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Toplam 691 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 100-120 / Aktif Sayfa : 6
Lou Andreas-Salome, eine der außergewöhnlichsten Schriftstellerinnen der Jahrhundertwende, verfasste Romane und Gedichte, aber auch zahlreiche Rezensionen und wissenschaftliche Artikel. Sie bewegte sich in den Künstlerzirkeln ihrer Zeit und tauschte sich intensiv mit Nietzsche, Wedekind, Hauptmann und Rilke aus. Lou Andreas-Salome verstand es, sich zeitlebens Wissensdrang und Unabhängigkeit zu bewahren. Ihre Begegnung mit Freud führte sie später zur Beschäftigung mit der Psychoanalyse. Der Band enthält die
30 TL.
A Tale of Passion as its subtitle declares, The Good Soldier relates the complex social and sexual relationships between two couples, one English, one American, and the growing awareness by the American narrator John Dowell of the intrigues and passions behind their orderly Edwardian facade. It is the attitude of Dowell, his puzzlement, his uncertainty, and the seemingly haphazard manner of his narration that make the book so powerful and mysterious.
112 TL.
Axel Heyst, a dreamer and a restless drifter, believes he can avoid suffering by cutting himself off from others. Then he becomes involved in the operation of a coal company on a remote island in the Malay Archipelago, and when it fails he turns his back on humanity once more. But his life alters when he rescues a young English girl, Lena, from Zangiacomo's Ladies' Orchestra and the evil innkeeper Schomberg, taking her to his island retreat. The affair between Heyst and Lena begins with her release, but t
204 TL.
Regarded by some critics as a minor masterpiece, Three Lives was Stein's first published book. In it she tells the stories of three working class women Anna, a conscientious but rigid serving woman; Melanctha, a worldly-wise and sensitive black girl; and Lena, a gentle but feeble-minded maid. Although these are relatively ordinary women, in Stein's hands their lives and minds take on extraordinary interest. Told in clear, carefully crafted prose, these storeis are not only memorable works in themselves but
124.5 TL.
Alice s'ennuie auprès de sa sœur. Mais voilà qu'un lapin blanc vêtu d'une redingote avec une montre passe près d'elle en courant. Cela ne l'étonne pas le moins du monde. En entrant derrière lui dans son terrier, elle fait une chute presque interminable qui l'emmène dans un monde aux antipodes du sien. Elle va rencontrer une galerie de personnages retors et se trouver confrontée au paradoxe, à l'absurde et au bizarre...
54 TL.
"It was at Rome, on the 15th of October 1764, as I sat musing amid the ruins of the capitol, while the barefooted friars were singing vespers in the temple of Jupiter, that the idea of writing the decline and fall of the city first started to my mind,' recorded Edward Gibbon with characteristic exactitude. Over a period of some twenty years, the luminous 18th century historian a precise, dapper, idiosyncratic little gentleman famous for rapping his snuff-box–devoted his considerable genius to writing an e
1030 TL.
Die Erzählung »Ruth« ist die erfolgreichste Publikation von Lou Andreas-Salomé zu ihren Lebzeiten. Die Geschichte des Mädchens, das sich mit ihrem unbändigen Lerndrang einen Platz im Herzen des Lehrers erobert und am Ende doch enttäuscht wird, traf genau den Geschmack der Zeit. Gerade das Schüler-Lehrer-Verhältnis war es, was die damalige Zeit bewegte – und zum Teil auch als anstößig empfunden wurde. Das Buch erlebte zwischen 1895 und 1928 zehn Auflagen. Unter seinen begeisterten Lesern sind berühmte Namen
123 TL.
In ihren Novellen »Fenitschka« und »Eine Ausschweifung« fokussiert Lou Andreas-Salomé ein Thema, das sie zeitlebens mindestens ebenso beschäftigt hat wie die weibliche Adoleszenz: die Integration unabhängiger Frauen in eine Gesellschaft, in der es für erfolgreiche Künstlerinnen und Wissenschaftlerinnen noch keine positiv besetzten Rollenvorbilder gibt. Die promovierte Wissenschaftlerin Fenitschka und die Malerin Adine sind Repräsentantinnen einer neuen Gattung, die vor der Herausforderung steht, sich zu be
36 TL.
Yeni Sabah Gazetesi, 6 Mart 1939'da Karabekir'in kaleminden Erzurum ve Erzincan'ın Kurtuluşu eserinin günlük neşredileceği müjdesini okuyucuya duyurmuştur. Şark'ın fethinin bizzat Şark'ın Fatihi tarafından anlatıldığı bu yazılar, o dönemlerdeki muhtelif yabancı dillerde neşredilmiş ve aynı tarihi anlatan birincil kaynaklardan da istifade edilerek teferruatlandırılmış bir içeriğe sahiptir. Kazım Karabekir'in savaşı nasıl sevk ve idare ettiği, o günleri nasıl geçirdiği, seyahatleri, tanıklık ettiği olayların
102 TL.
His Last Bow, the title story of this collection, tells how Sherlock Holmes is brought out of retirement to help the Government fight the German threat at the approach of the First World War. The Prime Minister himself requests Holmes's services to hunt down the remarkable German agent, Von Bork. Several of the detective's earlier cases complete the volume, including Wisteria Lodge, The Bruce-Partington Plans, and The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax. In The Dying Detective, Dr Watson is horrified to
102 TL.
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1880) by Lew Wallace is one of the most popular and beloved 19th century American novels. This faithful New Testament tale combines the events of the life of Jesus with grand historical spectacle in the exciting story of Judah of the House of Hur, a man who finds extraordinary redemption for himself and his family.A classic of faith, fortitude, and inspiration.
349 TL.
This work of art reflects life in Ireland at the turn of the last century, and by rejecting euphemism, reveals to the Irish their unromantic realities. Each of the 15 stories offers glimpses into the lives of ordinary Dubliners, and collectively they paint a portrait of a nation.
117 TL.
Curl up by the fire and enter the sinister, supernatural world of Montague Rhodes James (1862-1936), the master of the English ghost story. Chillingly atmospheric, quietly terrifying, M. R. James's stories explore the darkness just beyond the flicker of the candle, behind the creaking door.
16 TL.
"Innocent young peasant placed in a family, Tess is seduced and abandoned by Alec d'Urberville, one of his young masters. The child she gives birth dies at birth. In puritan English society of the late nineteenth century, this is an irrefutable fault, that the girl will be wrong not to want to conceal. From then on, her destiny is a descent into hell of shame and decay."
243.5 TL.
"This is the story of a young man, Paul Morel, who can not detach himself from his mother to achieve emotional independence. Despite their love for him, Miriam and Clara fail in their efforts to overcome the formidable maternal influence. Paul abandons them and returns to the mother who, in spite of her apparent humility, exercises a deep empire over him. Lawrence has also put into this drama what he experienced of the existence of the miners of Nottinghamshire, his tenderness for humanity, his admiration
294.5 TL.
"Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living. You said I killed you--haunt me then. The murdered do haunt their murderers. I believe--I know that ghosts have wandered the earth. Be with me always--take any form--drive me mad. Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! It is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!"
183.5 TL.
Great Expectations was written by Charles Dickens in 1860 and 1861.The mid-19th century was a time of great social change in Britain. There was increasing movement from the countryside to the towns, education was slowly improving and the legal system was being changed. The novel reflects such changes.
300 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 691 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 100-120 / Aktif Sayfa : 6