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Toplam 691 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 60-80 / Aktif Sayfa : 4
The Sea-Wolf, novel by Jack London, published in 1904. This highly popular novel combines elements of naturalism and romantic adventure. The story concerns Humphrey Van Weyden, a refined castaway who is put to work on the motley schooner Ghost. The ship is run by brutal Wolf Larsen, who, despite his intelligence and strength, is antisocial and self-destructive. Hardened by his arduous experiences at sea, Van Weyden develops strength of both body and will, protecting another castaway, Maud Brewster, and fac
175.5 TL.
The Taming of the Shrew is a classic Shakespeare comedy and one of the playwright's most popular works. It's based on the proverbial war between the sexes, and the plot pits an opportunistic, 16th-century lord against a headstrong woman, whom he is wooing in order to acquire her substantial dowry. "Why are our bodies soft, and weak, and smooth But that our soft conditions and our hearts Should well agree with our external parts?"
79.5 TL.
The Tempest is a play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1610–11. It is set on a remote island, where Prospero, the exiled Duke of Milan, plots to restore his daughter Miranda to her rightful place, using illusion and skilful manipulation. "Full fathom five thy father lies; Of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes: Nothing of him that doth fade, But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange. Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell: Ding-dong Hark! now I
63 TL.
Das Schauspiel »Iphigenie auf Tauris« wurde am 13. Januar 1787 von Goethe wahrend seiner Italienreise fertiggestellt und ist die letzte in einer Reihe von Fassungen. Es spielt einige Jahre nach dem Krieg um Troja auf Tauris (Insel Krim) im Hain vor dem Tempel der Diana, Göttin des Mondes und der Jagd.
60 TL.
(Mit einem Wörterbuch für schwierige Wörter.) "Der kleine Prinz ist kein Kultbuch, dafür hat es zu viele unterschiedliche Lesergruppen begeistert. Das schmale Buch, das als Kinderbuch gedacht war, lesen seit Generationen Grob und Klein in unterschiedlichsten Kulturen, Religionen und Milieus. Das Marchen vom Prinzen, der auf seinem Planeten eine Rose und drei Vulkane besitzt, wurde in mehr als 110 Sprachen übersetzt." - Das Bild
61 TL.
Unterhaltungen deutscher Ausgewanderten ist eine Novellensammlung von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, erschienen 1795. Das Konzept der Rahmen handlung der realen Situation einer Gruppe, die einen Zerfall der Kultur erlebt, wird als Hort der Kultur eine Erzählwelt entgegengesetzt hat Goethe von Boccaccios Decamerone übernommen. Was bei Boccaccio die Pest in Florenz ist, ist bei Goethe der Ausbruch der Französischen Revolution und ihre Auswirkungen auf Deutschland. Doch zeigt sich bei ihm, dass die Rah-mengesells
62 TL.
Scharlach ist eines der allerersten, nie in Buchform veröffentlichten Novellen Stefan Zweigs. Es entspricht dem psychologischen Feingefühl, den geheimen Wünschen, Leidenschaften seiner Figuren und zieht seine Fallstricken der Wirklichkeit nach. Der Medizinstudent Bertold Berger kommt mit seinem Leben an der Universität, im Medizinstudium und in der Studentenverbindung nicht zurecht. Er droht zu scheitern. Dann erkrankt die Tochter seiner Vermieterin an Scharlach und er entdeckt die Liebe zum Arztberuf.
32 TL.
"This Story is the literary offspring of The Castle of Otranto, written upon the same plan, with a design to unite the most attractive and interesting circumstances of the ancient romance and modern novel, at the same time it assumes a character and manner of its own, that differs from both; it is distinguished by the appellation of a Gothic Story, being a picture of Gothic times and manners." - Clara Reeve
91 TL.
Tristan and Iseult is a romance story, retold in numerous sources with as many variations since the 12th century. The story is a tragedy about the adulterous love between the Cornish knight Tristan (Tristram, etc.) and the Irish princess Iseult (Isolde, Yseult, etc.).
47.5 TL.
An ancient river. The journey upstream of some impressionable young men into a mysterious, challenging interior. An inevitable reckoning at the source. Finally, the terrible return to reality. Here, surely, is pre-Edwardian English fiction at its classic finest. But this is not Heart of Darkness, and the river is not the Congo. Actually, it's the Thames, and the narrator is not Marlow but J, or Jerome, K Jerome. Published in 1889, 10 years before Conrad's novel, Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the D
123 TL.
J, Harris, and George decide to take another holiday, this time cycling through Germany. Since J and Harris are now respectably married with children, getting away from their wives proves to be a ticklish and costly business, but pretty soon the three companions are on the road in Germany, navigating all the intricacies of foreign travel, from accidentally asking for kisses in cushion-shops to being chased around Prague by statues.
109.5 TL.
Geschichte eines Untergangs ist eine frühe Erzählung von Stefan Zweig aus dem Jahr 1910. Madame de Prie war eine der einflussreichsten Mätressen auf dem Hofe von Louis XV. Mit Intrigen und manipulativen Spielen versucht sie ihren Platz in der Pariser High Society zurückzuerobern. Sinn und Zweck des Ganzen: Sie will bewundert werden, im Mittelpunkt stehen, prominent sein, begehrt werden.
30 TL.
Ailesi tarafından iyi eğitimli, kültürlü, genç ve güzel bir kız olan Pervin, hayalleri ve beklentileriyle birlikte İstanbul'a amcasını ziyarete gelir. Bu ziyareti süresince, yaşadıkları, duygu ve düşünceleri, tuttuğu günlük vasıtasıyla bizlere aktarılır. Mehmet Rauf bu eserinde, bir genç kızın aşka, evliliğe dair düşünce ve hayallerini ele almasıyla birlikte, dönemin kültürel seviyesini, kadın-erkek eşitsizliğini, seçkin zümrelerin yaşam tarzını, evlilik kurumunun hangi değerler üzerine kurulduğunu, psikol
45 TL.
Engizisyon döneminin zulüm ve işkencelerinden bahseden bu eser, Müslümanlar ve Yahudilerin maruz kaldığı cefa ve eziyetler kadar Hristiyanların da Engizisyon Meclisleri tarafından zulme uğratıldığını gözler önüne sermektedir. Osmanlı'da ayrılıkçı azınlık hareketlerinin hat safhaya ulaştığı, Girit Adası sorunu ve Balkanlardaki ayaklanmalar nedeniyle Avrupa devletlerinin Osmanlı'ya siyasi olarak baskı yaptığı bir dönemde, Paşa tarafından Batı'nın karanlık mazisini gün yüzüne çıkaran böyle bir eserin tercüme e
50 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 691 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 60-80 / Aktif Sayfa : 4